Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Book Review: Man's Best Friend by Alana B Lytle


 First published May 14, 2024
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Ever since her year as a scholarship student among the ultra-wealthy at a Manhattan private school, El knows what it is like to feel rich—to feel chosen. And being not chosen is her current living at age thirty, she has given up her dream of becoming a famous actress, she has no passions, no great love, nothing to look forward to.

Then El meets a mysterious trust-fund Cambridge grad who holds the keys to the world she has long dreamed of. Bryce may not be particularly good-looking, charming, or interesting, but he has chosen her. El allows herself to be lulled by the ease and safety that his wealth provides, becoming Bryce’s little pet, and giving up her job, friends, and apartment in short order. But when a series of disturbing and slightly surreal events reveal that Bryce is not quite what he seems, but something entirely more sinister, El must face the consequences when his darkness—and her own—are unleashed.


Man's Best FriendMan's Best Friend by Alana B. Lytle
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I did not care for this book. The main character, El is a boring person. I never liked her and found her very selfish. Only wanting the rich around her and what they could do for her. The friends she did have she only saw them when she felt like it.
El meets Bryce. He is smitten with her and pretty much will do anything for her. But things don't add up and before we know it she isn't quite the person I thought either but then again maybe she is.
I had a hard time liking the book, the characters and the storyline.
Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam for the ebook to review,

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