This is how far I have gotten on the snowy Forest evening Stocking. I had to put it away though as I am stitching on a Twisted oaks Designs model piece.

Today I will be stitching BC July Snapper.
I also have been getting back into reading. Just love books :-) Right now I am reading Cupid Inc by Michele Bardsley. Have only read a couple of pages.
Also getting ready for the new Fall Season on TV. I never watched House or Grey's Anatomy before so I have been getting the DVDs from netflix so I will be caught up to this season. So far i have watched Season 1 of Greys. and am now watching Season 1 of House. Then I will watch Season 2 of House since the new season starts Sept. 5. I will DVR it though til I get all the DVDs watched. Gey's 2nd season comes out mid Sept, on DVD so I will DVR the new season til I get the 2nd season watched. Anyone else a fan of these shows?
Some of you knew that DS#2 has not ben feeling well for a year. He had an upper GI done and he has reflux so is now taking Prilosec and feeling much better. He goes back to see if he is healing, in about 6-8 weeks. He hasn't thrown up in weeks so that is great!