The rules for the award are simple:
1) Accept the award.
2) Thank the person who gave you the award
3) Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
4) Put the award on your blog.
5) Write 10 things about yourself others might not know about you.
6) Pass the award on to 10 others.
Now to tell you 10 things you might not know about me.
1. I played clarinet for 8 years in school, made All County Band 3 times and All state once.
2. My major in school was art, hence the cross stitching
3. I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit
4. I am afraid of heights
5. I am petrified of driving in the snow but yet I live in a snow belt area
6. I work in a forage lab where we test cow feed for dairy cows
7. I was born in Cherry Point Marine Base in North Carolina
8. I used to fall down the cement steps several times every summer- only 1 scar
9. I love to watch Clean House on Style channel
10. I love PC games- especially Sims 2
I pass this award onto:
1. AmySC
2. FayeRaye
3. CarolynNC
4. Suzie
5. drea_dear
6. Jackie
7. Michele
8. Linda K
9. Nicole
10. Coni
There are so many more blogs that I would love to give the award to.