Friday, June 14, 2024

Book Review: The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald


Published June 7, 2024
buy from Amazon

She’s a rookie advice columnist. He’s her office crush. It’s about to get complicated.
Landing a new job as online agony uncle “Ask Adam” Lucy dishes out relationship tips to men. But when it comes to her own love life, she’d rather spend Friday nights curled up on her sofa with Netflix and her cat, Astro. That is, until she meets Ross, her new co-worker who makes her snort with laughter at his silly jokes and sets off butterflies in her stomach when his hazel eyes meet hers over his laptop. After her last work boyfriend broke her heart, Lucy swore she’d never fall for someone in the office again. And she’s just about to have two more good reasons not to.

An email has just landed in the “Ask Adam” inbox and Lucy is convinced it’s from Ross. He’s most definitely not single. As her advice column goes viral and her inbox overflows with problems, Lucy turns to her AI assistant for help decoding romantic troubles, including her own. Can her state-of-the-art cupid really help her navigate her feelings for Ross? Or will the truth behind “Ask Adam” turn her non-existent love life into a hot mess?
A totally heart-warming, feel-good, and relatable romantic comedy that will have you laughing and crying as you race through the pages. If you love Sophie Kinsella, Emily Henry and Beth O’Leary, you’ll instantly fall for The Love Hack.

My Review:

The Love HackThe Love Hack by Sophie Ranald
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wish we could rate .5 stars as I would give it 3.5 stars. It wasn't quite a 4 star for me.

Lucy has a an advice column called Ask Adam and so everyone thinks she is a man except her coworkers know and one of them she has a crush on but he is dating someone.
Lucy uses AI to answer some of the questions and even has one who she believes is from Ross, her crush.
Then once comes in that sounds exactly like what is going on with her sister and BIL. She sets out to prove if it is right or wrong.
I liked Lucy and Ross. They were cute and you could tell they liked each other but it took awhile for them. It's a cute romance.
Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the arc to review.

View all my reviews

Sophie Ranald



Sophie Ranald is the youngest of five sisters. She was born in Zimbabwe and lived in South Africa until an acute case of itchy feet brought her to London in her mid-20s.

As an editor for a customer publishing agency, Sophie developed her fiction-writing skills describing holidays to places she’d never visited. In 2011, she decided to disregard all the good advice given to aspiring novelists and attempt to write full-time. After one false start, It Would Be Wrong to Steal My Sister’s Boyfriend (Wouldn’t It?) seemed to write itself.

Sophie also writes for magazines and online about food, fashion and running. She lives in south-east London with her amazing partner Hopi and Purrs, their adorable little cat.

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