Monday, August 12, 2024

Book Review: Patch Royalty by Scarlet Riley


Expected publication
August 13, 2024
Buy on Amazon

After having a child with the boss of my organization, I took the first opportunity I got to run. When I found out that my mother had died, it was the perfect cover to keep prying eyes away from me. That is, until the devil dog’s motorcycle club shows up on my doorstep. What could possibly go wrong when it’s lead by my three childhood best friends?


Patch Royalty (The Devil's Dogs Motorcycle Club #1)Patch Royalty by Scarlet Riley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book and can't wait for more of this series.
Sophia and her son, along with her brother move back home after their mother's death and to get away from Sophia's boss. She wanted it to be a quiet move and no one to know but the motorcycle club, who has her childhood best friends, knows and they are to help her. Things go on between her and her best friends and you can feel the chemistry there and I was hoping she would choose one of them, I just won't tell you who. The motorcycle club are so close and love how they are there for each other and so protective. Even the mother of her best friends takes no shit from any of them.
Thank you to the Publisher for the ebook to review.

View all my reviews

Scarlet Riley




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