Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Gentle Soul
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
a new start
Saturday, December 23, 2006
a ornament finish
eral Hospital, Class(movie) and She's All That.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
sewing, cubing and stitching
I have been sewing all the wall hangings I had to do, I made 3 cubes as gifts and then sat and started stitching on this ornament. I started it a few months ago and pulled it out for something to do. DS#2 was sleeping on the couch most of the day. He had the stomach virus that DS#1 had the other day. So I couldn't clean and decorate like I had planned. I will take pics of the sewing and cubes tomorrow.
Anyways this ornament is called Snow Fun from Imaginating, Inc. from the Just Cross Stitch 1999 Ornament issue.
TV: A little bit of Star Wars I , first hour of How The Grinch Stole Christmas and then switched to The O.C. I also watched Live With Regis and Kelly, all week, and General Hospital.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
a finish
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A new beginning

I have been sick. Dh had a cold and a lady I was with on Saturday had a cold so lo and behold I got it on Sunday and am so tired and don't feel like doing anything. Sunday DS#1 and I did decorate the tree but the rest of the house is not done.
Then DS#1 came down with the flu bug and missed school yesterday. Him and I laid around the house all day yesterday and slept.
Tv watched: DVD- Click TV- General Hospital
Sunday, December 17, 2006

LK Blocks are finally done, woohoo. Now tomorrow I take all the LK Blocks, Stamps, BC Snappers, and a few other pieces , to a friends house for a finishing day. She has a cutting mat and rotary cutter, which I don't have. I will be stitching up a couple of ornaments this week for a friend's Christmas gift.
Next project is SanSarah A Year Full of Happy. A friend asked me to stitch this for her in exchange for all of her cross stitch supplies. I have 2 drawers full of DMC floss, in a dresser drawer. Plus alot of fabric. How could I say no to that request, The only thing is I haven't heard from her in almost a year. I think I have stitched up to May on this Year Full of Happy so have some of it done,.
I also have a model piece on the way soon and can't show pics of my progress on that.
last night I watched Christmas Do Over and that was pretty good. yesterday I had lunch, at Olive Garden, with my Bookcrossing group. Then DH and I went and got a couple of gift certificates, for gifts.
Today my goal is to put the lights and ornaments on the tree and decorate the house.
Friday, December 15, 2006
stitching away

TV watched:
Medium- DVR
Santa Baby- ABC Family - DVR
What I Did For Love - Hallmark - DVR
general Hospital
The O.C.
Books: finished reading Long Time Gone by J.A. Jance
starting Mary, Mary by James Patterson
Thursday, December 14, 2006
finished LK November Blocks

Watched on TV:
What About Brian-DVR
Dr. Phil Holiday Giveaway- DVR
General Hospital
Criminal Minds
Finished Reading The Innocent by Harlan Coben(excellent book) and started Long Time Gone by J.A. Jance
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
some progress
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
busy, busy , busy

Sunday DS#1 and I went to church, came home and cleaned. Then I had to take him to work. I did stitch a little bit on LK November Block.

Yesterday DH wanted to to to The Rez for cigarettes. So I ride along with him, after I went to Curves. Came home , my friend calls me. She wants to take me out for lunch so we went to subway and then I rode back with her to her house and we chatted for a couple of hours. It was a nice visit that I really needed.
She took me home at 3:30. DS#2 wants me to take him to the jewelry store in town for his girlfriend's Christmas gift. I know the woman who works in there and she gave him a discount, which was very sweet of her. He was thrilled with his purchase. Then him and I head over to his friend's house. His dad sold me my laptop and he wants to do some updates on it. So I go over there and drop that off to him. Came home around 8 pm and FINALLY got to stitch. I am not going anywheres today except to pick up DS#2 from a basketball game, tonight. I really need to stitch today.
Friday, December 08, 2006
pics of exchanges and WIP

I received this exchange piece from Leslie atThe Exchange Place

I received this ornament exchange from Sylvia at Stitching Sisters Yahoo Group

I am still stitching away on the LK Blocks and finished September and am working on October
TV watching:
DVR- What About Brian
DVD- The Ice Harvest
Nightly shows- General Hospital
Santa Clause Is Coming To Town
The O.C.
Reading: I finished April Shadows by V.C. Andrews. went to the library and got Miracle by Danielle Steel and ordered Crewel Yule by Monica Ferris through our interloan program.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
It's Snowing again!
I have been making pretty good progress on the LK Blocks. Yesterday I finished September and started October.
TV: Gilmore Girls Sesaon 6 finished, General Hospital, last weeks The O.C. DVD- Dreamer
Reading: April Shadows by V.C. Andrews, am 3/4 done
Have you ever had a Christmas where your finances are tight? I have made all of the women's gifts but DH has to buy for his dad, my dad and my BIL. Plus we still need to buy for the boys. No money so coming up with ideas. I also still need to decorate the house and going next week for a tree.
Monday, December 04, 2006
stitching progress

I stitched on this all weekend. Finished August and started September.
Friday morning I got a phone call that DHs grandmother passed away. Today is calling hours, service and gravesite service. Everything starts at 1pm and will end around 4:30.
Saturday I got a text message from DS#2s friend. He wanted to go to the mall and would I take him and another friend. I would only do it if DH went with me as he had to work OT Friday night. So we all headed to the mall. I didn't have any money to buy anything but it was nice seeing the decorations up.
Yesterday watched Gilmore Girls season 6 discs 1, 2 and part of 3.