I had a pretty good day today. Went to Curves this morning. Came home and vacuumed and dusted in the living room. Washed 2 loads of laundry and put a load away. Mondays are ornament days for me. I stitch the sports ornaments for a charity and stitch one a week. Then I decided, this year, I will also stitch freebies. I had started the Don't Peek ornament , from Cricket Collection, a few months ago. I finished that today. Then I started the Merry Christmas ornament that is a freebie from Joy of The Needle. I will finish that next Monday. The rest of this week I will stitch on Sam Sarah's A Year Full of Happy
Tv watched:
Live! With Regis and Kelly
Rachael Ray
The Road To Christmas - DVR
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio - DVD
General Hospital
2 episodes of Lifetime's Straight, Gay or Taken
To Be Fat Like Me - Lifetime movie
finished The Chocolate Mouse Trap - Joanna Carl
started Kill Me - Stephen White