Saturday, February 21, 2009

I have been stitching

I stitched some more on Night Before Christmas, Thursday night. I will be putting this away for a couple of weeks. This week is ornament week for me.
Thursday I also watched TV while stitching:
General Hospital
Supernatural - 2/5
The Beast 1/29
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice

I have also been listening to Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

Today I went to Michael's to pick up more plastic bobbins and then to Walmart for Jammers boxes. I bought 6 packages of bobbins and 3 Jammers. That will keep me busy for a couple of weeks. I am almost doen winding all of the 5oo DMS on bobbins and then will put them in numerical order. These are all extra extra floss that I have and will fill a few Jammer boxes. But will be so much easier to find a color when I run out of my regular Jammer box that I use for all the WIPs and UFOs. That Jammer box has 1 of each DMC color in it and has the whole set. I still need to buy 3 clear bins for fabric. 1 for aida- I only use for ornaments and certain designs. I won't buy more when that is all gone. 1 bin for 28 ct and 1 bin for 32 ct. My beads and kreiniks are already organized and I should be ok with the overdyed flosses.


  1. I don't envy you winding all those bobbins, but it really will feel good when you get it all organized -- good on you!

  2. All that floss winding is sure gonna take time. Good luck with that. I have all my skeins and I have a set here and a set at home. I like to be able to find my threads right away when I want to stitch something.
    Nice progress on the The Night Before

  3. Good luck to you on winding. I just stuff mine all in a zip lock bag and when that is full, use another. Then when I have a project I have to dig out all the bags, pull out all the threads and find what I want.
    Still it is easier than winding, I think! LOL

  4. Looks great Shelleen! I have been emailing you, and I take it you haven't gotten any of them? I am getting yours... strange! Send me a time when it would be good to give you a call?
    Hugs my friend!

  5. It looks great already! You did a lot of stitching on it!

  6. Nice progress on your stitching! Please come to my house and organize my dmc-LOL It's a mess!

  7. Looks great - can't wait to see it finished!

  8. Oooh, your Walmart has Jammers boxes? I've been looking for one forever!

  9. Oooh, your Walmart has Jammers boxes? I've been looking for one forever!
