Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I am back
from Myrtle Beach. I had a great time and was sick for most of it. I am catching up on housework so please bear with me for a few days and I will post some pics. Tonight I was doing laundry and organizing my stash. I watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and October 13ths General Hospital episode. I have a lot of shows on the DVR to catch up on so limiting my computer time for a week.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Leaving for Myrtle Beach
I am going to the Cross Stitch Pals Fall Fling and leave after work tomorrow night. I meet up with a friend and I ride with a friend to Ohio, where we pick up 2 more friends. Then we head to Amy's of Down Sunshine Lane and who runs the Fall Fling. Then we will be in MB on Tuesday. I am taking Justin's laptop so I will post whenever I get a chance to. I will miss all of you and will try to read blogs once in a while. I will be getting a lot of stitching done :-)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
stitching an exchange piece

Work wasn't busy so we caught up on a few things. Came home and got caught up on emails, blogs, BBs and Facebook. Fixed Taco salad for dinner.
Then sat and watched Monsters VS Aliens. It was cute. I also watched The Forgotten on ABC. I like this show a lot. I stitched quite a bit on an exchange piece and will finish it tomorrow but first have to put some finishes together so i can mail 1 and take the rest with me to Myrtle Beach, yes Carolyn I am going :-)

Monday, October 12, 2009
changed my background and fonts
Halloween/Autumn is my favorite time of year and forgot about changing my background. So now that is all done and I am happy :-)
Plan on stitching and watching TV all evening. Caught up on blogs and BBs. Some I posted comments and some I didn't.
Plan on stitching and watching TV all evening. Caught up on blogs and BBs. Some I posted comments and some I didn't.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
decorated for Halloween
You would never know that this is my favorite time of year. I pulled out the decorations last week and finally got around to putting up Halloween/Autumn/Thanksgiving decorations. Looks nice :-)
I stitched on HIH Autumn Bird. I am working with the threads that I do have and will try to pick some up next week.
Then I have 4 Christmas ornaments to stitch up. I am hoping to have them all done in Myrtle Beach. I have a RR to finish but I will wait til I get back home. I am going to take The Night Before Christmas by little Old Me Designs and am hoping to get most of that finished as well.
Justin is letting me take his laptop so I can try to post here while at the retreat and on the way there. Mine bit the dust and it is old.
I also finished watching last week's General Hospital's episodes. Hoping to watch them on the laptop while on vacation. Otherwise they will be DVRd and will watch when I get home. I also have other shows to watch online since Thursdays and Fridays I watch 2 shows while DVRing 2 shows and can't do that while I am gone and I don't have a VCR anymore. Oh well. I love my nighttime TV viewing while I stitch.
Been playing on Facebook and have a rotation going on the games. My favorite right now is Fairyland. I do go on that every 3 hours to get my gold. Anyone else hooked on that.
I did not forget about the giveaway. No one has been home to draw a name for me. So that will be done tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for reading and leaving comments.
I stitched on HIH Autumn Bird. I am working with the threads that I do have and will try to pick some up next week.
Then I have 4 Christmas ornaments to stitch up. I am hoping to have them all done in Myrtle Beach. I have a RR to finish but I will wait til I get back home. I am going to take The Night Before Christmas by little Old Me Designs and am hoping to get most of that finished as well.
Justin is letting me take his laptop so I can try to post here while at the retreat and on the way there. Mine bit the dust and it is old.
I also finished watching last week's General Hospital's episodes. Hoping to watch them on the laptop while on vacation. Otherwise they will be DVRd and will watch when I get home. I also have other shows to watch online since Thursdays and Fridays I watch 2 shows while DVRing 2 shows and can't do that while I am gone and I don't have a VCR anymore. Oh well. I love my nighttime TV viewing while I stitch.
Been playing on Facebook and have a rotation going on the games. My favorite right now is Fairyland. I do go on that every 3 hours to get my gold. Anyone else hooked on that.
I did not forget about the giveaway. No one has been home to draw a name for me. So that will be done tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for reading and leaving comments.
I forgot to mention my Blog Anniversary Giveaway. Anyone who posts here will get a chance at a drawing. It is a surprise so no pic. It will be a scissor fob and fabric. That is all you get for a clue :-)
The drawing will be October 10th.
Also there is an October Giveaway on Dip Diddly Designs every week this month. Go check it out.
Another giveaway is at Random Stitching Ramblings so go check it out.
The drawing will be October 10th.
Also there is an October Giveaway on Dip Diddly Designs every week this month. Go check it out.
Another giveaway is at Random Stitching Ramblings so go check it out.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
So So Saturday
It has gotten to the point of where I don't like LNSs. The one I always goes to always seems to be out of whatever WDWs or GASTs or even Mill Hill Beads that I need. So I went to a different LNS this time and what happens? The same thing. I give up driving out of my way. All I needed was 1 WDW and 1 GAST and 2 buttons. I was working on the stitched exchange piece, for the Pals Fall Fling. Now I have to come up with something else.
Then Scott and I get home and trying to decide on dinner. He wants pizza and wings and I just don't have the extra money this week for that. I need to go grocery shopping so had nothing in the house. it is now 9pm and I am way past the hungry stage and now am into the bitchy stage lol.
Guess it is a moody day for me. I have 3 more exchange ornaments to stitch and an RR. But I am stitching on WIPs while in Myrtle Beach. Hopefully that will help this mood :-)
I guess I am just rambling and have probably already lost all of you. If not then thanks for reading. Guess I am just bored.
Then Scott and I get home and trying to decide on dinner. He wants pizza and wings and I just don't have the extra money this week for that. I need to go grocery shopping so had nothing in the house. it is now 9pm and I am way past the hungry stage and now am into the bitchy stage lol.
Guess it is a moody day for me. I have 3 more exchange ornaments to stitch and an RR. But I am stitching on WIPs while in Myrtle Beach. Hopefully that will help this mood :-)
I guess I am just rambling and have probably already lost all of you. If not then thanks for reading. Guess I am just bored.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
it was a rainy, windy and cold day here. There is a bench that sits outside the door at work. Guess what I did? smacked my knee right into the corner. My knee has pretty colors.
I stitched for a while tonight while I watched the DVRd shows from Monday: General Hospital, House, and Durham County. Right now I have on Eastwick.
Still stitching on exchanges.
I stitched for a while tonight while I watched the DVRd shows from Monday: General Hospital, House, and Durham County. Right now I have on Eastwick.
Still stitching on exchanges.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
a finish and a new start
Well actually I had 2 finishes.
I finished the Christmas ornament for the exchange at the PALS Fall Fling. Then I started the Stitching exchange piece for the PALS Fall Fling.
I finished listening to Kiss Me While I Sleep by Linda Howard and loved it. Next up os Cross Country by James Patterson.
Tv watching was all kinds of thing.
DVR: Ghost Whisperer, Medium
Then I watched WGN and 2 episodes of Alf, 2 episodes of Cosby Show and 2 episodes of Newhart. Then I watched Desperate Housewives.
I also washed 6 loads of laundry :-)
I took a shower and dressed in sweats and no makeup, the shame of it. And had a great stitching day!
I finished the Christmas ornament for the exchange at the PALS Fall Fling. Then I started the Stitching exchange piece for the PALS Fall Fling.
I finished listening to Kiss Me While I Sleep by Linda Howard and loved it. Next up os Cross Country by James Patterson.
Tv watching was all kinds of thing.
DVR: Ghost Whisperer, Medium
Then I watched WGN and 2 episodes of Alf, 2 episodes of Cosby Show and 2 episodes of Newhart. Then I watched Desperate Housewives.
I also washed 6 loads of laundry :-)
I took a shower and dressed in sweats and no makeup, the shame of it. And had a great stitching day!
Saturday, October 03, 2009
September Goals
Saturday morning

and feeling blah. Sinuses are acting up, thanks to this rainy, damp weather.
Last night I stitched all night and finished a Halloween ornament for an exchange. Then I started a Christmas ornament for an exchange.
Scott was sleeping the whole time so I watched:
General Hospital - 2 episodes
I DVRd Ghost Whisperer and Medium so I will watch them this weekend.
It is supposed to be 62F and chances of rain, for today. I love Autumn. My favorite season.
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