I am really not complaining. But come on really? 54 on January 31? Is this how the winter is going to be or are we going to be in trouble in February and March?
I was just looking at Sunday night's post and had no idea that it came out like that with the pictures. I was having troubles with blogger and when I looked at the preview of my post the pics looked fine. I don't know what happened to them. There must be a gremlin in Blogger.
Last night and tonight I stitched on SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. This was given at a retreat in March 2010, in Syracuse, NY. I am hoping to finish it in February.
Today I listened to the audiobook Breaking The Rules by Barbara Taylor Bradford. I also finished reading Peppermint Twisted by Sammi Carter. This is a cozy mystery.
I started reading The Target by Catherine Coulter and it is really good.
Tonight I watched:
Thanks for all you comments and reading my blog.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
LK Halloween Rules
Today is Sunday which means stitching on Halloween. I pulled out Halloween Rules and finished Sit For a Spell and started Brew Some Fun.
Watched TV:
6 episodes of Hungry Girl. All the other ones she didn't fix things I would like baked goods and seewts.
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown
To Love, Honor and Betray - Lifetime
Once Upon a Time
We are getting nasty weather and I am going to go curl up with tea, popcorn and a book.
Thank you to all the comments on Christmas Angel, I love them all :-)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
First finish of the year
I sat down around noon with Christmas Angel and didn't put the last bead on til 9:30. I had stopped to eat and us e the bathroom but otherwise that is all I did. I was determined to finish her tonight.
Joan Elliott Christmas Angel
The Cross Stitcher Dec. 1996
started 5/20/05
finished 1/28/12
28 ct cashel linen antique white
DMC, Kreinik, Mill Hill Beads
Close up of the top part
Close up of the bottom
I loved stitching on her and I don't know why she had become a UFO. I have more of these angels to stitch. Spring Angel I started a while back as well.
So I sat and watched TV all day. Some were on the DVR
Ice Age:A Mammoth Christmas
Happiness is A Warm Blanket Charlie Brown
Desperately Seeking Susan
Dead Silent - Lifetime
Family Sins - Lifetime
and there is another movie on Lifetime that I have started watching but can't remember the name
General Hospital
I am hoping my next finish will be SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. I will be working on that starting Monday.
For the rest of the year, the week of the 25th of each month will be my oldest UFO. Rocky Mountain Christmas by Marty Bell.
Thanks for looking and all compliments are appreciated.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I got lots of rest
Since I was home, sick yesterday. I rested all day on the couch. Pulled out my stitching and watched TV all day.
Christmas Angel is all stitched. Now I am just adding the beads. I am hoping to finish it on Saturday. I loved stitching her.
While stitching I watched a lot of TV. I tried to take naps but I wasn't tired.
The Ugly Truth
The Princess & The Frog
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - watched about an hour and hated it so I turned it off. Who wants to listen to people yell at each other and fight.
Live With Kelly!
General Hospital
I read a little bit of Peppermint Twisted by Sammi Carter
Thank you for everyone who leaves comments and those who don't but read my blog. You are all great!
Christmas Angel is all stitched. Now I am just adding the beads. I am hoping to finish it on Saturday. I loved stitching her.
While stitching I watched a lot of TV. I tried to take naps but I wasn't tired.
The Ugly Truth
The Princess & The Frog
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - watched about an hour and hated it so I turned it off. Who wants to listen to people yell at each other and fight.
Live With Kelly!
General Hospital
I read a little bit of Peppermint Twisted by Sammi Carter
Thank you for everyone who leaves comments and those who don't but read my blog. You are all great!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Christmas Angel & sick
I started out not feeling well this week. A little bit of acid reflux. Then woke up wednesday morning with it really bad and sinus pressures so bad that my eyes hurt. Scott came home with pepcid ac, crackers and ginger ale. I already had ibuprofin and sudafed. Slept in til 10:30 and my sinus pressure wasn't as bad but this acid reflux is horrible. Just took my meds when I was supposed to.
Sat on the couch and stitched most of the day while watching TV.
The 25th of each month I pull out something Christmasy and this year I decided to stitch on it the whole week of the 25th. Christmas Angel by Joan Elliott had been a UFO and I pulled it out last year to work on it. The last time I shared a picture was either Oct or Nov. This is what I got done so far. The stitching itself is almost done and I do backstitching as I go along. But I have a lot of beads to ad to the dress and then there is a lot of holly and beads in the background.
I am home sick again today. Have a slight headache so time for some more ibuprofen and letting the headache go away before stitching again. I am hoping to have this finished this week.
Yesterday I watched:
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
Butterfield 8 - Liz Taylor movie I had DVRd
Eat Pray Love - another on the DVR
I started to watch Prince of Persia The Sands Of Time but I couldn't get into it.
Well going to lay down for a bit and then stitch some more if I can. Will post progress pics tonight and hopefully watch a few more movies.
Sat on the couch and stitched most of the day while watching TV.
The 25th of each month I pull out something Christmasy and this year I decided to stitch on it the whole week of the 25th. Christmas Angel by Joan Elliott had been a UFO and I pulled it out last year to work on it. The last time I shared a picture was either Oct or Nov. This is what I got done so far. The stitching itself is almost done and I do backstitching as I go along. But I have a lot of beads to ad to the dress and then there is a lot of holly and beads in the background.
I am home sick again today. Have a slight headache so time for some more ibuprofen and letting the headache go away before stitching again. I am hoping to have this finished this week.
Yesterday I watched:
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
Butterfield 8 - Liz Taylor movie I had DVRd
Eat Pray Love - another on the DVR
I started to watch Prince of Persia The Sands Of Time but I couldn't get into it.
Well going to lay down for a bit and then stitch some more if I can. Will post progress pics tonight and hopefully watch a few more movies.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sunday IHSW & LK Halloween Rules
I am all caught up on reading blogs and forums. Washed 3 loads of laundry and FINALLY finished organizing my specialty threads. I was almost done many months ago but decided today that it had to be DONE!
Then I sat down and stitched on LK Halloween Rules. I am only showing a portion of it because my batteries died in my camera. So I scanned this and it all doesn't fit on my scanner.
The frog visited me today though. I wa stitching the mummy and I was off so had to redo him. Then I stitched some more of the black border and then the border of Sit For A Spell. Stitched the cat also. This is so much fun to stitch up. I will pull it out again next Sunday.
I watched:
2 episodes Live With Kelly
1 episode of General Hospital
1 episode of The Secret Circle
tonight's episode of Once Upon A Time
tonight's episode of Desperate Housewives
I also finished the audiobook The Maze by Catherine Coulter. This is the 2nd book of her FBI series.
Justin and I were watching Tv when the new McDonalds commercial came on about something being the McMuffin. So Justin says "You are the McMuffin of Moms" LOL. Too funny.
Well night all. IHSW is done for this month and I accomplished a lot. I am going to go read before bed. The book is Even Cat Sitters Get the Blues by Blaize Clement.
Thank you for all of the comments, you are all the best.
Then I sat down and stitched on LK Halloween Rules. I am only showing a portion of it because my batteries died in my camera. So I scanned this and it all doesn't fit on my scanner.
The frog visited me today though. I wa stitching the mummy and I was off so had to redo him. Then I stitched some more of the black border and then the border of Sit For A Spell. Stitched the cat also. This is so much fun to stitch up. I will pull it out again next Sunday.
I watched:
2 episodes Live With Kelly
1 episode of General Hospital
1 episode of The Secret Circle
tonight's episode of Once Upon A Time
tonight's episode of Desperate Housewives
I also finished the audiobook The Maze by Catherine Coulter. This is the 2nd book of her FBI series.
Justin and I were watching Tv when the new McDonalds commercial came on about something being the McMuffin. So Justin says "You are the McMuffin of Moms" LOL. Too funny.
Well night all. IHSW is done for this month and I accomplished a lot. I am going to go read before bed. The book is Even Cat Sitters Get the Blues by Blaize Clement.
Thank you for all of the comments, you are all the best.
LK Halloween Rules,
Saturday IHSW & The Pledge
Yesterday started a morning of beading. My sister and mom came over and my sister wanted to learn how to make a bracelet. Her beads were gorgeous. Black and silver. Something you would pay $30 for and she made for $8. I repaired a bracelet that I had. No making anything for me lol. Mom just came to visit and watch :-)
We had to laugh at my dog. His name is Dreyx and he is 10 years old. Rottie/Sheppard mix. Well my dad says we have been lucky rescuing dogs. He just rescued a 4 year old female Shibu Inu (sp). I adopted Dreyx when he was 1 1/2. Anyways we were sitting at the table beading and brought up what my dad has said and he calls my dog a real gentleman. My sister laughed and said Dreyx is not a gentleman. Well he whipped his head around and glared at my sister and stuck his nose up in the air and then got closer to my mom for her sympathy LOL. We laughed and he glared at her for the rest of the day lol. My sister calls him a boob dog since that is what he likes about women LOL.
They left around 3 and then I got ready to go to Scott's parents house. I cooked sausages, mashed potatoes and corn. I took a pack out of meat out of their freezer and brought it home. I can have it thawed out next Saturday for them and buy some for us as well.
So since it is still IHSW I stitched some more on SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge.
I am loving this piece and will bring it back out in a week. Sundays are Halloween stitching and the week of the 25th I always stitch something Christmas.
I watched a really good movie on Lifetime. Drew Peterson - Untouchable. Awesome performance by Rob Lowe. I didn't recognize him. He costarred for 2 days, with Live With Kelly and still is as hot as he was in the 80's. Doesn't look like he aged at all.
Thanks for all the comments and I do reply to those I can. You are all the best!
We had to laugh at my dog. His name is Dreyx and he is 10 years old. Rottie/Sheppard mix. Well my dad says we have been lucky rescuing dogs. He just rescued a 4 year old female Shibu Inu (sp). I adopted Dreyx when he was 1 1/2. Anyways we were sitting at the table beading and brought up what my dad has said and he calls my dog a real gentleman. My sister laughed and said Dreyx is not a gentleman. Well he whipped his head around and glared at my sister and stuck his nose up in the air and then got closer to my mom for her sympathy LOL. We laughed and he glared at her for the rest of the day lol. My sister calls him a boob dog since that is what he likes about women LOL.
They left around 3 and then I got ready to go to Scott's parents house. I cooked sausages, mashed potatoes and corn. I took a pack out of meat out of their freezer and brought it home. I can have it thawed out next Saturday for them and buy some for us as well.
So since it is still IHSW I stitched some more on SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge.
I am loving this piece and will bring it back out in a week. Sundays are Halloween stitching and the week of the 25th I always stitch something Christmas.
I watched a really good movie on Lifetime. Drew Peterson - Untouchable. Awesome performance by Rob Lowe. I didn't recognize him. He costarred for 2 days, with Live With Kelly and still is as hot as he was in the 80's. Doesn't look like he aged at all.
Thanks for all the comments and I do reply to those I can. You are all the best!
Friday, January 20, 2012
A Pledge & IHSW
This is the IHSW= International Hermit Stitching Weekend , and what a perfect weekend for that with the cold temps and snow.
My cowoker and I ordered lunch for our manager as her birthday was last week. We had pizza from Dominos which was very good. Scott picked me up from work. He had to go to Home Depot and then across the street is Michaels, where I had to go. So I bought a crimper tool. Then we went to Applebees.
I stitched on SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. I also listened to some more of The Maze by Catherine Coulter. Then I watched Grimm.
My sister is supposed to come over tomorrow and possibly a friend for a day of jewelry making. Depends on the weather.
Well I am going to go and play some sims2 before I go to bed.
Thank you for all of the comments that I have been getting, I appreciate all of you.
My cowoker and I ordered lunch for our manager as her birthday was last week. We had pizza from Dominos which was very good. Scott picked me up from work. He had to go to Home Depot and then across the street is Michaels, where I had to go. So I bought a crimper tool. Then we went to Applebees.
I stitched on SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. I also listened to some more of The Maze by Catherine Coulter. Then I watched Grimm.
My sister is supposed to come over tomorrow and possibly a friend for a day of jewelry making. Depends on the weather.
Well I am going to go and play some sims2 before I go to bed.
Thank you for all of the comments that I have been getting, I appreciate all of you.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
HAED & The Pledge
We were in a Winter Advisory from 1pm-9pm. Not a lot of snow but the we had winds and with the snow it got nasty out for a short time.
I pulled out HAED Rapunzel so I could finish the 70 stitches for the row I was working on. I don't know when I will pull this out again.
Then I pulled out SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. I am enjoying working on this.
I started listening to The Maze by Catherine Coulter and it is pretty good.
Then I watched:
The Vampire Diaries
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
I DVRd The Secret Cirlce and will watch that this weekend.
I am still reading Even Cat Sitters Get The Blues by Blaize Clement.
Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate them :-)
I pulled out HAED Rapunzel so I could finish the 70 stitches for the row I was working on. I don't know when I will pull this out again.
Then I pulled out SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. I am enjoying working on this.
I started listening to The Maze by Catherine Coulter and it is pretty good.
Then I watched:
The Vampire Diaries
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
I DVRd The Secret Cirlce and will watch that this weekend.
I am still reading Even Cat Sitters Get The Blues by Blaize Clement.
Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate them :-)
HAED Rapunzel,
SamSarah Designs,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #13, 14, and 15
I changed my mind on what I was going to stitch on and pulled out Waxing Moon Halloween Hang Ups. There are 3 designs in it so I started those.
Waxing Moon Halloween Hang Ups - Pumpkin
Waxing Moon Halloween Hang Ups - Black Cat
Waxing Moon Halloween Hang Ups - Ghosts
So that is it for the Crazy January Challenge. Now back to the UFO SamSarah Designs The 1892 Pledge. Once the LK Halloween Rules is done then I will stitch on all the Crazy January Challenges and I will finish them this year :-)
Last night was horribly windy out. I thought I was going to lose my home. 30-40mph winds with gusts at 60 mph. I could feel the rooms shaking. There was a severe thunderstorm warning but we didn't get it. The town 2 away from us did and we had our lights flicker a few times. This weather has been crazy.
Last night I finished reading The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The first 70 pages are boring and slow. I was really debating whether to finish it. I am glad that I stuck it out. This is the first book in a trilogy and now will have to wait til this summer for the 2nd book.
Today I started reading Even Cat Sitters Get the Blues by Blaize Clement.
Tonight I also finished an audiobook. The Cove by Catherine Coulter. Very good book and a couple of twists. The next one I will be starting is The Maze by Catherine Coulter. Both of these books are in her FBI series. I have the rest of the series as well. Some are audiobooks and some are books to read.
Thank for visiting and leaving comments.
Crazy January Challenge,
Waxing Moon,
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #11 & #12, and a UFO
I have been stitching, honestly. But I had to take a break from the CJC. I did stitch 2 more and then switched to a UFO over the weekend. I just did not want to stitch what I picked for day 13. So I put it back with what I chose for #14 and #15 and in its places I picked up something else. So starting tomorrow night you will find out what it is.
Anyways here is #11
JCS Halloween 2011 - Brittercup Witchy Kitty
32 ct Silkweaver Lugana, WDW, GAST
I didn't have any of the other threads needed so this was all I could do.
JCS Halloween 2011- Ursula Michael Little Witch
28 ct Silkweaver Lugana, DMC
Now onto my UFO:
SamSarah Design The 1892 Pledge
Weeks Dye Works 30 ct Havana Linen, Crescent Colours
started March 2010
This pattern was for a Cross Stitch retreat that I went to in Syracuse, NY. Sponsored by A Stitcher's Garden LNS. It was small of about 20 of us.
After the next 3 starts for the CJC then I will be focusing on this piece as well as the Christmas Angel and then LK Halloween Rules. Since all the CJC pieces are all Halloween they will be stitched on Sundays.
Thank you everyone for continuing to read and leave comments. I appreciate you all.
Anyways here is #11
JCS Halloween 2011 - Brittercup Witchy Kitty
32 ct Silkweaver Lugana, WDW, GAST
I didn't have any of the other threads needed so this was all I could do.
JCS Halloween 2011- Ursula Michael Little Witch
28 ct Silkweaver Lugana, DMC
Now onto my UFO:
SamSarah Design The 1892 Pledge
Weeks Dye Works 30 ct Havana Linen, Crescent Colours
started March 2010
This pattern was for a Cross Stitch retreat that I went to in Syracuse, NY. Sponsored by A Stitcher's Garden LNS. It was small of about 20 of us.
After the next 3 starts for the CJC then I will be focusing on this piece as well as the Christmas Angel and then LK Halloween Rules. Since all the CJC pieces are all Halloween they will be stitched on Sundays.
Thank you everyone for continuing to read and leave comments. I appreciate you all.
Crazy January Challenge,
SamSarah Designs
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #10
Only 5 more days of this and then to my other pieces. All my CJCs will be stitched on Sundays. But only after I finish LK Halloween Rules.
So tonight I pulled out a kit from BeckySC, that she gave me several years ago. It is Mill Hill's Wacky Witch. This has been in my ro do pile since and am so thrilled to have finally pulled it out.
This is how far I got.
I am starting to like reading, The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The first 70 pages were just dragging and boring but once I got to a certain chapter then I wanted to keep reading. So once I am done here then I will read. Tomorrow I will start a new audiobook. The Cove by Catherine Coulter. It is the first book in her FBI series.
While stitching I watched:
2 episodes Live With Kelly!
2 episodes General Hospital
Thank you everyone for all the comments. I have been reading blogs but don't always have a chance to leave comments. I think I have 300-400 blogs that I read so I just can't get to them all or leave comments on each one that I do read. Please understand.
Good night everyone!
So tonight I pulled out a kit from BeckySC, that she gave me several years ago. It is Mill Hill's Wacky Witch. This has been in my ro do pile since and am so thrilled to have finally pulled it out.
This is how far I got.
I am starting to like reading, The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The first 70 pages were just dragging and boring but once I got to a certain chapter then I wanted to keep reading. So once I am done here then I will read. Tomorrow I will start a new audiobook. The Cove by Catherine Coulter. It is the first book in her FBI series.
While stitching I watched:
2 episodes Live With Kelly!
2 episodes General Hospital
Thank you everyone for all the comments. I have been reading blogs but don't always have a chance to leave comments. I think I have 300-400 blogs that I read so I just can't get to them all or leave comments on each one that I do read. Please understand.
Good night everyone!
Crazy January Challenge,
Mill Hill,
Monday, January 09, 2012
WIPocalypse 2012 - January
I have started 9 new ones this month. So this is what I have done.
Cross Stitch & Needlework Oct. 1998 - Jack
10ct Hickory Heatherfield
Cross Stitch & Needleworks 1998 - Best Witches
18 ct Fiddlers Cloth
Cross Stitch & Needleworks 1998 - Frank
10 ct Hickory Heatherfield
Cross Stitch & Needleworks Oct. 1998 - Drac
10 Ct Hickory Heatherfield
JCS Halloween Collection - Brittercup- Halloween Cat Tree
30 ct Belfast Antique White Linen
Lizzie Kate - Bugs & Kisses
28 ct silkweaver Lugana Smoky Blue
Lizzie Kate - Ghouls Night Out
25 ct Wedgewood Blue Lugana
Margaret Lee - Fraidy Cat Basket
28 ct Jobelan Twilight Blue
Mirabilia Halloween Fairy
32 ct Silkweaver Jobelan Days Gone By
Next month will have other WIPs pics. Hope everyone else had a productive Full Moon.
Crazy January Challenge #9
Tonight I started Fraidy Cat Basket by Margaret Lee. I bought this design several years ago. at a Cross Stitch Pals Fall Fling. It is being done on 28 ct Jobelan Twilight Blue.
We were really busy at work today. I got out late and by the time I was done with dinner it was after 7. So I didn't get a chance to read any blogs today. I also didn't get a chance to work out with the Wii.
I did watch:
Pretty Little Liars
The Lying Game
I started putting audiobooks on my laptop so I can put them on my ipod. They are the FBI series by Catherin Coulter. I couldn't get the whole series on CD and the ones the library didn't have then I can read. I do own the books.
I also read a few more pages of Discovery of Witches. Just can't seem to get into this book. I will read a little more before I go to bed.
Thank you for all the comments. I appreciate them :-)
We were really busy at work today. I got out late and by the time I was done with dinner it was after 7. So I didn't get a chance to read any blogs today. I also didn't get a chance to work out with the Wii.
I did watch:
Pretty Little Liars
The Lying Game
I started putting audiobooks on my laptop so I can put them on my ipod. They are the FBI series by Catherin Coulter. I couldn't get the whole series on CD and the ones the library didn't have then I can read. I do own the books.
I also read a few more pages of Discovery of Witches. Just can't seem to get into this book. I will read a little more before I go to bed.
Thank you for all the comments. I appreciate them :-)
Crazy January Challenge,
Margaret Lee,
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #7 & #8
I didn't get a chance to post last night as I had fallen asleep.
This is LK Bugs & Kisses, done on 28 silkweaver Lugana, blue color
Then today I pulled out LK Ghouls Night Out done on 25 ct Wedgewood Blue Lugana.
Saturday- I went through the DVDs and CDs and got them organized and back in the rack. Started some laundry and then I don't know what happened to the time. Went to my inlaws for our Saturday night dinner and making sure they take their meds. Came home and watched Elf with Scott. he hadn't seen it so I had DVRd it for him.
Sunday - Justin took me grocery shopping. He had picked out some menus to try and tonight was one of them. Ham & cheesy potato casserole. It was very good. Got caught up online.
Worked out with The Biggest Losers Wii game. I seemed to have liked it, even though I don't watch the show. I will add this one to my list of more to buy or my wish list.
Tonight I stitched while watching Once Upon a Time and then Desperate Housewives. Both were very good.
I also read a little bit more of my book Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. As soon as I am done here I will be reading some more.
Thank you everyone for the comments. I appreciate them all.
This is LK Bugs & Kisses, done on 28 silkweaver Lugana, blue color
Then today I pulled out LK Ghouls Night Out done on 25 ct Wedgewood Blue Lugana.
Saturday- I went through the DVDs and CDs and got them organized and back in the rack. Started some laundry and then I don't know what happened to the time. Went to my inlaws for our Saturday night dinner and making sure they take their meds. Came home and watched Elf with Scott. he hadn't seen it so I had DVRd it for him.
Sunday - Justin took me grocery shopping. He had picked out some menus to try and tonight was one of them. Ham & cheesy potato casserole. It was very good. Got caught up online.
Worked out with The Biggest Losers Wii game. I seemed to have liked it, even though I don't watch the show. I will add this one to my list of more to buy or my wish list.
Tonight I stitched while watching Once Upon a Time and then Desperate Housewives. Both were very good.
I also read a little bit more of my book Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. As soon as I am done here I will be reading some more.
Thank you everyone for the comments. I appreciate them all.
Crazy January Challenge,
Lizzie Kate,
Friday, January 06, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #6 & magazine Challenge
Well here is tonight's new start. Jack from Cross Stitch & Needleworks issue Oct 1998. He is done on 10 ct Hickory Heatherfield.
Today was partly sunny and a high of 49. Really? in western NY in January? This is crazy but I am not complaining lol.
I finished listening to Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell. The storyline was good but the story dragged a little to much for me.
I also did read a couple of pages of Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
While stitching tonight I also watched:
Grimm (the last time it aired)
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
Thank you everyone for all the comments. I love them!
Today was partly sunny and a high of 49. Really? in western NY in January? This is crazy but I am not complaining lol.
I finished listening to Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell. The storyline was good but the story dragged a little to much for me.
I also did read a couple of pages of Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
While stitching tonight I also watched:
Grimm (the last time it aired)
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
Thank you everyone for all the comments. I love them!
Crazy January Challenge,
Magazine Challenge,
Crazy January Challenge #5 & Magazine Challenge
Another new start. This is Frank from the Cross Stitch & Needlework 1998 issue. He is done on 10 ct Hickory Heatherfield.
The weather sure is strange here in western NY. We should be having snow. Where is it? A lot of us think we are going to get it overnight, sometime and it's going to just dump 2 feet. I am not crazy about that idea.
Got out of work yesterday and stopped at Office Max so I could buy this year's journal. I have 4 sections. One is TV, movies, celebrities who died. 2: what I cross stitched on for the year.. 3 Books I read or listened to. 4 personal diary. I started this 3 or 4 years ago. I buy a plain hardcover one and then I use a favorite picture from the previous year's calendar. I always buy a Faerie calendar every year so that is what I use. This one has a Jasmine Beckett Griffith picture.
I am reading Discovery of Witched by Deborah Harkness.
Last night I watched:
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
The Vampire Diaries
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
I DVRd - The Secret Circle
Thank you everyone for the great comments, I appreciate all of you.
The weather sure is strange here in western NY. We should be having snow. Where is it? A lot of us think we are going to get it overnight, sometime and it's going to just dump 2 feet. I am not crazy about that idea.
Got out of work yesterday and stopped at Office Max so I could buy this year's journal. I have 4 sections. One is TV, movies, celebrities who died. 2: what I cross stitched on for the year.. 3 Books I read or listened to. 4 personal diary. I started this 3 or 4 years ago. I buy a plain hardcover one and then I use a favorite picture from the previous year's calendar. I always buy a Faerie calendar every year so that is what I use. This one has a Jasmine Beckett Griffith picture.
I am reading Discovery of Witched by Deborah Harkness.
Last night I watched:
Live With Kelly
General Hospital
The Vampire Diaries
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
I DVRd - The Secret Circle
Thank you everyone for the great comments, I appreciate all of you.
Crazy January Challenge,
Magazine Challenge,
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #4 & Magazine challenge
I pulled out the same magazine as last night, Cross Stitch & Needlework October 1998 and stitched on Drac. He is done on 10 ct Hickory Heatherfield with DMC. I am killing 2 bitds with 1 stone on this design and using it as a Crazy January Challenge and a magazine Challenge.
It was another cold day, not as bad as yesterday though. The sun was out all day though.
Last night I finished reading Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. I gave it a 5 out of 5 stars. Could not put it down. I started a new book today, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
The library called me that a bunch of audiobooks came in. I am trying to read and listen to all the Catherine Coulter's FBI series.
Thank you for all of the comments, they have made my day. I am trying to leave comments on other blogs as well.
It was another cold day, not as bad as yesterday though. The sun was out all day though.
Last night I finished reading Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. I gave it a 5 out of 5 stars. Could not put it down. I started a new book today, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.
The library called me that a bunch of audiobooks came in. I am trying to read and listen to all the Catherine Coulter's FBI series.
Thank you for all of the comments, they have made my day. I am trying to leave comments on other blogs as well.
Crazy January Challenge,
Magazine Challenge,
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #3
Today's piece is from Cross Stitch & Needlework October 1998 issue. The design is Best Witches. This magazine was given to me by a blogger, who loves Halloween as much as I do. Thank you.
It is stitched on 18 ct. Fiddler's Cloth with DMC thread.
Still very cold out. Not snowing though.
Tonight I watched:
Live With Kelly!
General Hospital
The Christmas Pageant movie - very good
I am getting ready to sit down with my book for a little while. It is Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella.
I did listen to some of my audiobook today, Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell. I have about 3 more chapters to listen to.
Thank you for all the comments, they made my day.
It is stitched on 18 ct. Fiddler's Cloth with DMC thread.
Still very cold out. Not snowing though.
Tonight I watched:
Live With Kelly!
General Hospital
The Christmas Pageant movie - very good
I am getting ready to sit down with my book for a little while. It is Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella.
I did listen to some of my audiobook today, Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell. I have about 3 more chapters to listen to.
Thank you for all the comments, they made my day.
Crazy January Challenge,
Crazy January Challenge #2
I was tired last night so I didn't post my progress.
This is Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy.
I watched The Tournament of Roses Parade, on HGTV. No commercials on that channel. Saw the new HGTV Dream House. It is gorgeous and is in Utah.
I watched a movie, Annie Clause is Coming To Town. I had DVRd it.
I also read some more of my book: Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. It is hard to put down.
Thanks for reading my blog and leaving comments. Makes my day :-)
This is Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy.
I watched The Tournament of Roses Parade, on HGTV. No commercials on that channel. Saw the new HGTV Dream House. It is gorgeous and is in Utah.
I watched a movie, Annie Clause is Coming To Town. I had DVRd it.
I also read some more of my book: Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. It is hard to put down.
Thanks for reading my blog and leaving comments. Makes my day :-)
Crazy January Challenge,
Monday, January 02, 2012
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Crazy January Challenge #1

Today was the first day of this crazy challenge. I stitch on JCS Halloween Collection Brittercup Halloween Cat Tree. I didn't stitch for long. I don't have all the threads for this so will have to make a shopping trip soon, to the LNS.
The day did not start out good. First of all it is the day of the Tournament of Roses Parade. Always has been on January 1 . But not this year because some morons changed it to tomorrow. I was told because of football. So what? The games don't start til after the parade anyways.
Today was supposed to be a day with my boys and a Turkey dinner. Why do they always say leave the bird in the fridge for 2-4 days to thaw? Nothing ever thaws out in my fridge. So at 2:00 I went to put the bird in the oven and the bird was still frozen. I was so upset. It is now sitting out so I can cook it tomorrow morning and have it for lunch time.
I did manage to read emails, Bbs and blogs today. Do all the laundry in the house. Undecorate my house and tree. The tree is also gone. My house is almost back to normal. I do want to do some organizing in my craft room tomorrow. I am missing specialty flosses and kreinik.
I also read some more of my book:
Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella
We also have high winds and a Lake effect snow watch.
Night everyone. Tomorrow's January start is Nora Corbett's Halloween Fairy.
Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate them a lot.
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