Sunday, February 05, 2012

Saturday progress

I ended up going to the LNS in E. Rochester and bought red and pink things for a Valentines exchange. Scott was looking at all the nice scissors and saw a Dovo set of 3 in a beautiful leather case. So he asked how much it was. $275. He said that would make a nice gift for me. Hmmm wonder if he will ever buy it. Then I had to go grocery shopping. So we headed to Wegmans in Pittsford. We didn't make it inside. The parking was all the way into other parking lots and Scott hates crowds so we said forget it and headed back to Le Roy and Tops. Love Wegmans, not a fan of Tops.
Fixed pork chops for dinner with Scott's parents.
I stitched all day on The Pledge and so much closer to a finish.
Last night's movie was Lifetime movie channel's premier of Secrets of Eden with John Stamos. Such a great movie and John is so nice on the eyes!

Thanks for visiting and leaving comments. I appreciate you all so much!


  1. It's so pretty! Can't wait to see it finished! :)

  2. You are so close to finishing! And it really is wonderful. The fabric for it really is perfect. I probably already said that before, but it bears repeating!

  3. Aww it is looking so lovely xxx

  4. Wouldn't that Dovo set be a wonderful surprise?! One can hope. :) Great progress on the Pledge. I don't like grocery shopping either. I've been putting it off for weeks!
