Monday, July 26, 2010

Have a question

As I finish things in my goal list, to the right. How do I put a line through it instead of deleting it? Thanks for all of you who can help me.



  1. Shelleen...I love your new look to your Blog...I dearly love that...I've been wondering the same to draw the line through your wording...I have always wanted to do that too but nobody told me how to do that.

    I hope you find out cause when you do please let me know okay....

    Love your new Blog

    Take care & Happy Stitching
    Linda K, Railroad

  2. Using the more than and less than signs above the n and m keys instead of brackets - use (s) to turn the strikethrough on and (/s) to turn it off again.

  3. there should just be a strikethrough option when you write the posting...

    Email me if you can't figure it out and I will be more specific.
