on Ruth's RR. So no pics. But I am enjoying stitching on it.
I watched yesterday's and today's episodes of General Hospital. Then I watched tonight's episode of 90210. Not much else going on here today.
My house is still open for those of you who would like to do some finishes, this weekend.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
I got mail
Then I received the 3 mags that I ordered from Down Sunshine Lane . Thank you so much Amy! Now to decide when and how to get any of the stitching done in any of these mags LOL.
I didn't get in any stitching today as I picked up Dylan from school, when he was done with Drivers Ed. Then we went to the Mall so he could get some new clothes. Then by the time I got on here and ready emails, BBs and blogs I am now ready to hit the bed :-)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
busy weekend
I had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday morning I worked at the church making soup. Then I did get some stitching time in on TW The Storyteller. Next weekend I won't be working on it.
We had a family reunion today with Scott's side. I haven't seen his Aunts, Uncles or cousins in a few years and was nice seeing them again. Ate a little to much as there was a lot of food.
I am starting an incentive stitching piece. This is Peace, Love, Joy & Life Quilt Sampler. It is out of Cross Country Stitching issue June 2008. I am stitching it 1 over 1 on 25 ct. Lugana. It is a SAL with a online group.
While stitching on it I watched Smallville, Supernatural , and Desperate Housewives.
I love to have candles burning and tarts as well. So I thought I would share what I had burning for the day. The candle in the family room was Spiced Apple by Home & Garden , which is a party plan. I had a Yankee Candle tart burning in the living room and that was Meadow Mist.
I also though I would share my hot tea. I don't drink it in the summertime but love a couple of cups in the cool evenings. So tonights was Bigelow Decaf Red raspberry. I have a full box of this.
Tomorrow, after work, I am taking Dylan shopping for some clothes. Then checking out BJs and Sam's Club to decide on what membership I want. My boss pays for most of it. I do have a 60 day free trial from BJs. It came in the mail yesterday so I checked out the one by where I work but I think it is smaller than the one in the city so I will check that one out since it is by the mall and Sam's Club is right down the road.
If I get a chance to stitch tomorrow it will be on Ruth's RR.
While stitching on it I watched Smallville, Supernatural , and Desperate Housewives.
I love to have candles burning and tarts as well. So I thought I would share what I had burning for the day. The candle in the family room was Spiced Apple by Home & Garden , which is a party plan. I had a Yankee Candle tart burning in the living room and that was Meadow Mist.
I also though I would share my hot tea. I don't drink it in the summertime but love a couple of cups in the cool evenings. So tonights was Bigelow Decaf Red raspberry. I have a full box of this.
Tomorrow, after work, I am taking Dylan shopping for some clothes. Then checking out BJs and Sam's Club to decide on what membership I want. My boss pays for most of it. I do have a 60 day free trial from BJs. It came in the mail yesterday so I checked out the one by where I work but I think it is smaller than the one in the city so I will check that one out since it is by the mall and Sam's Club is right down the road.
If I get a chance to stitch tomorrow it will be on Ruth's RR.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Have you ever read other blogs that gave you inspiration? I have had a few the past couple of days. First was Becky's Blog and her finishes and her way of sorting her stash. I have so many projects kitted up that I like her idea of sorting them into small, medium, and large and then rotating on getting them done. I am always in awe of her blog.
Next is Ruth's blog . She is having a finishing weekend next weekend and asked anyone who wants to join in. So I have a lot of October and Halloween pieces stitched up and need finishing. So I am asking all of my readers to join in on this and my house is open all next weekend for anyone that is not to far from me to come join me at my house, and bring all your finished items. I believe that I will do this the first weekend of every month and my house will always be open whether you want to put your pieces into finishes or just bring your cross stitching. I am in western NY and if interested email me needeler @ gmail dot com without the spaces of course.
For finishing ideas and tutorials visit Focus on Finishing blog . This is a great site and very helpful.
As for me this weekend and everyone that has posted about my health. I am fine. I had some sinus issues which always kick my butt but I am much better now. Thank you so much for your concerns. I mailed out 2 exchanges but never took pics before I mailed them. Today I worked at our church. I had to make soup as this weekend is the AppleUmpkin Festival. There were quite a few people there. Tomorrow is Scott's family reunion. I am also stitching once in a while on TW The Storyteller. I will share pics tomorrow night.
Speaking of tomorrow night. Don't forget it is the season premier of Desperate Housewives. I will definitely be watching that.
Next is Ruth's blog . She is having a finishing weekend next weekend and asked anyone who wants to join in. So I have a lot of October and Halloween pieces stitched up and need finishing. So I am asking all of my readers to join in on this and my house is open all next weekend for anyone that is not to far from me to come join me at my house, and bring all your finished items. I believe that I will do this the first weekend of every month and my house will always be open whether you want to put your pieces into finishes or just bring your cross stitching. I am in western NY and if interested email me needeler @ gmail dot com without the spaces of course.
For finishing ideas and tutorials visit Focus on Finishing blog . This is a great site and very helpful.
As for me this weekend and everyone that has posted about my health. I am fine. I had some sinus issues which always kick my butt but I am much better now. Thank you so much for your concerns. I mailed out 2 exchanges but never took pics before I mailed them. Today I worked at our church. I had to make soup as this weekend is the AppleUmpkin Festival. There were quite a few people there. Tomorrow is Scott's family reunion. I am also stitching once in a while on TW The Storyteller. I will share pics tomorrow night.
Speaking of tomorrow night. Don't forget it is the season premier of Desperate Housewives. I will definitely be watching that.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I haven't felt well all week. Not exactly sick feeling just blah and tired. So I left work an hour early and came home to sleep but no one would let me sleep so I gave up.
I was reading my friend Becky's blog and was inspired by what she does with her finishes and her organizing. I have been down trying to figure out how to get more of my stitching done and reading of my books. I just wish that I could have a craft room to be organized lol.
I have been stitching on RRs. I finished 1 and am working on another one and have one more here. They are all for the same RR.
Tomorrow I am going to Joanne's Etc. so I can get some of the pretty pins to do pinkeeps and am hoping that they have Halloween colors. I also need to get some rickrack or ribbon as well.
I just found out that there is a Hobby Lobby not to far from me. Guess I will be making a trip there in a few weeks :-)
I was reading my friend Becky's blog and was inspired by what she does with her finishes and her organizing. I have been down trying to figure out how to get more of my stitching done and reading of my books. I just wish that I could have a craft room to be organized lol.
I have been stitching on RRs. I finished 1 and am working on another one and have one more here. They are all for the same RR.
Tomorrow I am going to Joanne's Etc. so I can get some of the pretty pins to do pinkeeps and am hoping that they have Halloween colors. I also need to get some rickrack or ribbon as well.
I just found out that there is a Hobby Lobby not to far from me. Guess I will be making a trip there in a few weeks :-)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A stitchy weekend
I finished the Halloween exchange and stitched on a RR all weekend and will have it done tomorrow and probably have about 30 minutes left to stitch on it. Then I have 2 more to do. I did watch a lot of TV.
General Hospital
True Blood
Prom Night
A perfect Day
I am almost done listening to In the Dark of the Night by John Saul. I have about 1 1/4 more CDs to listen to.
I met Gayle on my blog when she posted here a couple of weeks ago. We emailed a few times and have talked on the phone. She lives about 7 miles from my house so we are having a stitching get together tomorrow, when I get out of work. Can't wait to meet her :-)
General Hospital
True Blood
Prom Night
A perfect Day
I am almost done listening to In the Dark of the Night by John Saul. I have about 1 1/4 more CDs to listen to.
I met Gayle on my blog when she posted here a couple of weeks ago. We emailed a few times and have talked on the phone. She lives about 7 miles from my house so we are having a stitching get together tomorrow, when I get out of work. Can't wait to meet her :-)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
some pics
Right now I am stitching on an exchange for another board.
I am listening to the audiobook In the Dark of the Night by John Saul and am hooked on it.
have also been watching TV. Sunday night was another episode of True Blood on HBO. I did like this episode better than the 1st one. I had written down that House was on tonight but I wrote down 9pm instead of 8pm and missed it and to watch it on FOX.com I have to wait 8 days :-(
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Rainy & cool
My kind of temps today but could have done without the rain. Sunday which means had to pick up coffee from the Yellow Goose for DH as he was working. Then I got groceries. Alex unloaded my car so I could put the groceries away and fix breakfast for him and Justin. They left for the day so I did dishes, laundry and finished 1 Halloween exchange and started another. I also watched TV. A Little bit of The Weather channel to keep up on Hurricane Ike.
Then I watched a DVD Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day. It was a fun movie to watch and not something that I normally would watch. Then I have quite a few movies on my DVR so I watched The Haunting of Sorority Row that was on the Lifetime Movie Network, last Fall. That was really good.
Tonight I watched True Blood on HBO. It was ok. I love the books and I really didn't think Sookie acted like such a blonde airhead in the books. This is not for anyone thinking it is PG. There is sex, and swearing, violence. I did DVR it so Justin and Alex can watch it here next weekend. Justin went back to his dorm tonight and Alex went home and doesn't have HBO.
Tomorrow I have a Bookcrossing meeting at Panera Bread and I have a few books to give away. Well goodnight everyone and I hope to post again tomorrow.
Then I watched a DVD Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day. It was a fun movie to watch and not something that I normally would watch. Then I have quite a few movies on my DVR so I watched The Haunting of Sorority Row that was on the Lifetime Movie Network, last Fall. That was really good.
Tonight I watched True Blood on HBO. It was ok. I love the books and I really didn't think Sookie acted like such a blonde airhead in the books. This is not for anyone thinking it is PG. There is sex, and swearing, violence. I did DVR it so Justin and Alex can watch it here next weekend. Justin went back to his dorm tonight and Alex went home and doesn't have HBO.
Tomorrow I have a Bookcrossing meeting at Panera Bread and I have a few books to give away. Well goodnight everyone and I hope to post again tomorrow.
Fantasy stitching
I stitch The Storyteller by Teresa Wentzler on Fridays with another Blog group. But this past Friday was so busy at work that I couldn't even pick up a needle so I pulled it out yesterday. This is so slow moving because of all the color changes but stitching a little bit once a week is better than just sitting in the mesh bag til whenever.
Today I plan on stitching on a Halloween exchange and watching movies. Tonight on HBO at 9pm est is the new series Tru Blood based on the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris.
My thoughts and prayers are with those of you affected by tropical Storm Hannah and Hurricane Ike.
You would never guess what happened yesterday. For weeks everyone has been posting about the JCS Halloween issue and the Cross Stitch & Needleworks mag with the Nora Corbett Halloween Fairy. Well since I have heard about them I have searched all over for these mags, everywheres that i go. So I finally gave up and ordered them from Down Sunshine Lane . Well wouldn't you know that my grocery store just got them in on friday.
I almost bought them anyways and give the other ones to a friend but I was good and will wait.
My thoughts and prayers are with those of you affected by tropical Storm Hannah and Hurricane Ike.
You would never guess what happened yesterday. For weeks everyone has been posting about the JCS Halloween issue and the Cross Stitch & Needleworks mag with the Nora Corbett Halloween Fairy. Well since I have heard about them I have searched all over for these mags, everywheres that i go. So I finally gave up and ordered them from Down Sunshine Lane . Well wouldn't you know that my grocery store just got them in on friday.
I almost bought them anyways and give the other ones to a friend but I was good and will wait.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
some stitching but no pics
I am stitching on exchanges so i can't show any progress pics. I am stitching for 2 Halloween exchanges.
Rachel , thanks for the help with post dating. I did that 3 times last night and all it kept telling me is it would be published on the day I had postdated and would not show up on my blog. It worked tonight though.
Anyone watch the new 90210 that was on the CW? it was the 2 hour premier. Justin had to work after classes so he came home and watched it with me before heading to his dorm. it was pretty good.
I also watched today's episode of General Hospital.
Tomorrow Dylan starts his Junior year in High School. Where does the time go?
Rachel , thanks for the help with post dating. I did that 3 times last night and all it kept telling me is it would be published on the day I had postdated and would not show up on my blog. It worked tonight though.
Gayle , I emailed you again and maybe my emails are going in your junk folder as it doesn't recognize my email addy? anyways you can email me needeler@gmail.com
Anyone watch the new 90210 that was on the CW? it was the 2 hour premier. Justin had to work after classes so he came home and watched it with me before heading to his dorm. it was pretty good.
I also watched today's episode of General Hospital.
Tomorrow Dylan starts his Junior year in High School. Where does the time go?
I can't remember how to postdate a post so it stays at the top. I have done it twice but it won't work this time aauugghhh!!! anyone?
Monday, September 01, 2008
August goals
Dean Koontz - The Good Guy finished
John Saul - In The Dark of the Night
Mercedes Lackey - Burning water
The Station Agent didn't like, didn't finish
The Reaping watched
License To Wed watched
The Break Up watched
Inside Man watched
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties watched
Leroy & Stitch watched
Cross Stitch:
TCS February 2001 Butterfly & Grapes towel finished
JCS 2001 Carol Emmer - Aschenklaus finished
JCS 2001 Linda Reeves - Snow Glow finished
JCS 2001 Chessie & Me - Chessie & Friends started
M Designs Shelleen Tree Ornament
Dean Koontz - The Good Guy finished
Dean Koontz - The Husband finished
Dean Koontz - The Darkest Evening of The Year finishedJohn Saul - In The Dark of the Night
Mercedes Lackey - Burning water
The Station Agent didn't like, didn't finish
The Reaping watched
License To Wed watched
The Break Up watched
Inside Man watched
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties watched
Leroy & Stitch watched
Cross Stitch:
TCS February 2001 Butterfly & Grapes towel finished
JCS 2001 Carol Emmer - Aschenklaus finished
JCS 2001 Linda Reeves - Snow Glow finished
JCS 2001 Chessie & Me - Chessie & Friends started
M Designs Shelleen Tree Ornament
haven't felt like stitching
since last Tuesday. Wednesday my little grey cat, who is a year old, snuck out on me and I couldn't get him back in the house. So my sis and I sat down to eat and heard a noise outside. She asked what that was and I said I hope not Speedy. I look out the window and sure enough he had been hit by a car. I have been trying to keep most of my cats indoors because they end up getting hit. Even though we are in the country. he has been my companion for a year. We got him the Friday before Labor Day , last year. He sleeps around my neck and follows me all around the house. I am having a really hard time with this and trouble with sleeping. Have not been in a mood to do anything. One of my other cats misses him because they played together all the time. It was a young man that hit the cat and I only know that because he turned around and came here to apologize. He was driving a pick up truck with a wagon attached to it and he tried avoiding the cat but the wagon got him. I told him that it was an accident and my sister told him that it was nice of him to come back and tell us. it is just not the same around this house without him. None of my other cats are lap cats or as lovey as he was.
Today I decided to pull out my stitching and start Glory Bee's BYOB (Bring Your Own Broom) and not sure if others were joining me as a SAL. I think it will be a quick stitch. But starting tomorrow I do have to start stitching for 2 Halloween exchanges so I will work on this again when they are done.

This weekend on VH1 classics it was 80 hours of the 80's so I kept watching that and the weather channel to keep updated on Hurricane Gustav and Hannah. My prayers go out to all of you affected by this storm.
Gail - I have emailed you twice to see about getting together to stitch. I think it would be a lot of fun. I also have a friend in Ransomville that I get together with and am hoping to meet more in our area.
Today I decided to pull out my stitching and start Glory Bee's BYOB (Bring Your Own Broom) and not sure if others were joining me as a SAL. I think it will be a quick stitch. But starting tomorrow I do have to start stitching for 2 Halloween exchanges so I will work on this again when they are done.
This weekend on VH1 classics it was 80 hours of the 80's so I kept watching that and the weather channel to keep updated on Hurricane Gustav and Hannah. My prayers go out to all of you affected by this storm.
Gail - I have emailed you twice to see about getting together to stitch. I think it would be a lot of fun. I also have a friend in Ransomville that I get together with and am hoping to meet more in our area.
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