Wednesday, March 18, 2009

crazy days

yesterday I had the day off, from work. We knew it would be dead and I had to leave for a doctor's appointment so my manager said just take the day off. So I went to my doctors. Came home and spent a little time with Scott before he went to bed(he works the 3rd shift so sleeps during the day)
Dylan came home from school and we decided to clean out the cupboard with all the tupperware in it. Looks so much better. Then onto the pots and pans, lids and baking ware. That looks real good as well. I started working on my for sale trade blog. Then I watched The Secret Life of Bees, while stitching on the RR.

Today was nuts at work. We finally get a good amount of work to do and the power went off 3 times but the 3rd time it was out for an hour. Everything we do is all with electricity so we had to sit and wait it out. We still managed to get everything done in a timely fashion.

Came home and Dylan and I cleaned the bathroom. Straightend up in there. I worked some more on my new blog and then I did some floss organizing. I watched General Hospital and then tonights Lost. Stitched more on the RR. Oh and I also listend for about 30 minutes to The Quickie by james Patterson.


  1. Hope your doctor's apt went well! If you need more cabinets to clean out, you are more than welcome to come to my house! LOL I need to do that soo very badly! Sorry you had a ruff day at work with all the electricity issues, that sounds awful!

  2. I recently cleaned out my kitchen "everything" drawer. It is amazing the stuff I found in there. Incredible how much time goes by! (I think moving is easier sometimes)!
