Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stash shopping

I had Scott take me to the LNS. I bought some goodies for a few exchanges I am in. I bought Dylan a piece of fabric to stitch on and a piece of 25 count for a HAED freebie that I would like to start.

Came home and did dishes and some laundry. Sat and stitched most of the day and watched 2 movies from netflix.
Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler - was cute and funny
The Fountain with Hugh Jackman - was ok

I got my Facebook reactivated. I still like blogging so much better.

Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate all of them :-)


  1. Oh, Shelleen, I love your new background! Pink, purple, a little gothy! And your header is pretty too.

    BTW, I'm so addicted to Facebook, it's not even funny! There's a group that does a monthly SAL - just whatever WIP you choose. One of the stitchers in the BoInk SAL is someone I "met" on Facebook.

  2. Stash shopping is so much fun! Love the new blog!

  3. Hey, I am on facebook. Will look for you!

  4. I just have never been able to get into the facebook and things. I like to blog and I guess that is just my thing! Stash shopping is always fun!!
