Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Gentle Soul
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
a new start
Saturday, December 23, 2006
a ornament finish
eral Hospital, Class(movie) and She's All That.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
sewing, cubing and stitching
I have been sewing all the wall hangings I had to do, I made 3 cubes as gifts and then sat and started stitching on this ornament. I started it a few months ago and pulled it out for something to do. DS#2 was sleeping on the couch most of the day. He had the stomach virus that DS#1 had the other day. So I couldn't clean and decorate like I had planned. I will take pics of the sewing and cubes tomorrow.
Anyways this ornament is called Snow Fun from Imaginating, Inc. from the Just Cross Stitch 1999 Ornament issue.
TV: A little bit of Star Wars I , first hour of How The Grinch Stole Christmas and then switched to The O.C. I also watched Live With Regis and Kelly, all week, and General Hospital.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
a finish
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A new beginning

I have been sick. Dh had a cold and a lady I was with on Saturday had a cold so lo and behold I got it on Sunday and am so tired and don't feel like doing anything. Sunday DS#1 and I did decorate the tree but the rest of the house is not done.
Then DS#1 came down with the flu bug and missed school yesterday. Him and I laid around the house all day yesterday and slept.
Tv watched: DVD- Click TV- General Hospital
Sunday, December 17, 2006

LK Blocks are finally done, woohoo. Now tomorrow I take all the LK Blocks, Stamps, BC Snappers, and a few other pieces , to a friends house for a finishing day. She has a cutting mat and rotary cutter, which I don't have. I will be stitching up a couple of ornaments this week for a friend's Christmas gift.
Next project is SanSarah A Year Full of Happy. A friend asked me to stitch this for her in exchange for all of her cross stitch supplies. I have 2 drawers full of DMC floss, in a dresser drawer. Plus alot of fabric. How could I say no to that request, The only thing is I haven't heard from her in almost a year. I think I have stitched up to May on this Year Full of Happy so have some of it done,.
I also have a model piece on the way soon and can't show pics of my progress on that.
last night I watched Christmas Do Over and that was pretty good. yesterday I had lunch, at Olive Garden, with my Bookcrossing group. Then DH and I went and got a couple of gift certificates, for gifts.
Today my goal is to put the lights and ornaments on the tree and decorate the house.
Friday, December 15, 2006
stitching away

TV watched:
Medium- DVR
Santa Baby- ABC Family - DVR
What I Did For Love - Hallmark - DVR
general Hospital
The O.C.
Books: finished reading Long Time Gone by J.A. Jance
starting Mary, Mary by James Patterson
Thursday, December 14, 2006
finished LK November Blocks

Watched on TV:
What About Brian-DVR
Dr. Phil Holiday Giveaway- DVR
General Hospital
Criminal Minds
Finished Reading The Innocent by Harlan Coben(excellent book) and started Long Time Gone by J.A. Jance
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
some progress
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
busy, busy , busy

Sunday DS#1 and I went to church, came home and cleaned. Then I had to take him to work. I did stitch a little bit on LK November Block.

Yesterday DH wanted to to to The Rez for cigarettes. So I ride along with him, after I went to Curves. Came home , my friend calls me. She wants to take me out for lunch so we went to subway and then I rode back with her to her house and we chatted for a couple of hours. It was a nice visit that I really needed.
She took me home at 3:30. DS#2 wants me to take him to the jewelry store in town for his girlfriend's Christmas gift. I know the woman who works in there and she gave him a discount, which was very sweet of her. He was thrilled with his purchase. Then him and I head over to his friend's house. His dad sold me my laptop and he wants to do some updates on it. So I go over there and drop that off to him. Came home around 8 pm and FINALLY got to stitch. I am not going anywheres today except to pick up DS#2 from a basketball game, tonight. I really need to stitch today.
Friday, December 08, 2006
pics of exchanges and WIP

I received this exchange piece from Leslie atThe Exchange Place

I received this ornament exchange from Sylvia at Stitching Sisters Yahoo Group

I am still stitching away on the LK Blocks and finished September and am working on October
TV watching:
DVR- What About Brian
DVD- The Ice Harvest
Nightly shows- General Hospital
Santa Clause Is Coming To Town
The O.C.
Reading: I finished April Shadows by V.C. Andrews. went to the library and got Miracle by Danielle Steel and ordered Crewel Yule by Monica Ferris through our interloan program.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
It's Snowing again!
I have been making pretty good progress on the LK Blocks. Yesterday I finished September and started October.
TV: Gilmore Girls Sesaon 6 finished, General Hospital, last weeks The O.C. DVD- Dreamer
Reading: April Shadows by V.C. Andrews, am 3/4 done
Have you ever had a Christmas where your finances are tight? I have made all of the women's gifts but DH has to buy for his dad, my dad and my BIL. Plus we still need to buy for the boys. No money so coming up with ideas. I also still need to decorate the house and going next week for a tree.
Monday, December 04, 2006
stitching progress

I stitched on this all weekend. Finished August and started September.
Friday morning I got a phone call that DHs grandmother passed away. Today is calling hours, service and gravesite service. Everything starts at 1pm and will end around 4:30.
Saturday I got a text message from DS#2s friend. He wanted to go to the mall and would I take him and another friend. I would only do it if DH went with me as he had to work OT Friday night. So we all headed to the mall. I didn't have any money to buy anything but it was nice seeing the decorations up.
Yesterday watched Gilmore Girls season 6 discs 1, 2 and part of 3.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
To Knot or Not and progress

I usually use the loop method or just hold the tail down with about 3-4 stitches on the back. Never any knots except I do use them if stitching on shirts so that they last through the wash.

Today I stitched on LK August Block and accomplished quite a bit. I am not sure if I will get it finished tomorrow.
DVD- Derailed
Hallmark Movie - Candles on Bay Street
General Hopsital, Grey's Anatomy
Reading: Finished Cutwork by Monica Ferris, Started April Shadows by V.C. Andrews
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
2 finishes

I am really tired so bear with me. I finished LK July block and started LK August block.
Today was breakfast day with the morning girls, from Curves. had a good time :-)
finished 16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber, awesome book
started Cutwork by Monica Ferris and have 3/4 done
DVD Chicken Little
TV- General Hospital, Bones, Medium
stitching away

Tv watched: A Perfect Murder, Tuff Turf, General Hospital, Standoff, House, and Veronica Mars
Reading: 16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber. read 3/4 of the book and it is awesome.
Today's plans: Going to Curves, then breakfast with the Curves girls. Laundry and then stitch. Hoping to finish July block and start August and finish reading 16 Lighthouse Road. Watching : Chicken Little, Derailed, General Hospital, Bones and Medium.
The movies that I have been watching are DVDs, some borrowed and some from Netflix.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Stitching Day!

I finished LK June Block and started July. While stitching I finished the audiobook The Undertaker's Widow by Phillip Margolin and watched General Hospital and then tonight a DVD Phase IV which was really good.
I will be starting to read 16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber.
I didn't post a pic of the ornament I worked on Saturday as I didn't get much accomplished on it. Was a busy day and then Sunday I ended up laying on DS#1's Nintendo DS game system with the game Pokemon Leafy Green version. Oh how addictive these video games are LOL. Maybe I should grow up? nah what fun would that be.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Christmas Ornament Day!!
I celebrate Thanksgiving today with the inlaws.
Did anyone watch the General Hospital special last night on SoapNet? it was really good and just about finished LK June Block while watching it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my US friends and a good day to those of you not celebrating :-)
Yesterday I didn't get alot of stitching time in but I did finish May Block and started June.
Watched 3 The O.C. episodes that I had DVRd, a Veronica Mars and a Vanished.
Also watched GH, which made me cry. SoapNet has a special on tomorrow night 7pm-midnightET/PT it is the only soap that I watch. I used to be a big soap addict and watched them from 12:30-4pm every day and taped when I wasn't home. I went through this spell a few years ago that I dropped the soaps. I did just pick up GH this spring and will probably stick with it.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Another stitching day
Monday, November 20, 2006
productive day!

After that was finished I pulled out LK Blocks. I started May and only got a small amount done. I am hoping to show more progress tomorrow :-)

Mary Ann, welcome to blog world and it is nice of you to visit and post.
I have been getting more comments all the time and I love it.
So far I have finished 4-5 things from my 50 Project Challenge :-)
Sunday, November 19, 2006

I did manage to stitch a little bit on December yesterday. I was busy grocery shopping, dropping something off to the hunters(DH and his group) Taking DS#1 to work and then DS#2 had 4 friends over so I was watching them and they took over my TV and DH was in the other room watching TV , we don't like the same shows. So I did manage to read 4 of the magazines out of 30 in my pile LOL.
I am now on the last disc of Sesaon 5 of Gilmore Girls. I will be getting season 6 sometime today.
DH and DS#2 are working and DS#1 is having a friend over today so it will be quieter.
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Do you stitch Christmas ornaments? If so, how many do you stitch each year and for whom? If not, why not?
I stitch alot of ornaments a year. I stitch sports ornaments, for a charity and do at least 30. I also stitch a couple for exchanges and I try to do at least 6 a year out of the JCS ornament issues. This year though I think I have done 2 or 3.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
getting alot accomplished

I am on season 5 disc 3 or 4 of Gilmore Girls. I really like this series.
I finished reading Cold Blooded by Lisa Jackson and it was really good. I am now listening to an audiobook: The Undertaker's Widow by Phillip Margolin. I am on cassette 3 of 6. Pretty good so far.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Catching up
Sunday I took DS#2 and a friend of his to the mall. I like Christmas but I get sick of it real quick because Thanksgiving used to be an important holiday and for giving thanks and beeing with family. But already the Christmas decorations are up, santa was there and they were playing Christmas music. I will not be going back to the mall anytime soon. Let's get through Thanksgiving first. it is over looked now.
I am now stitching on the LK Stamps and am on October. They are a Christmas gift and I will post a pic tonight. Also watching season 5 of Gilmore Girls.
Reading Cold Blooded by Lisa Jackson and trying to get it finished in the next 2 days.
DS#2 had a 6 week checkup on his leg. it is healing really well and he can go back to work this week. His gym teacher has him doing things with his upper body since he can't play gym yet.
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I did it!!! it is finished :-) Now I just have to send it off to Gisele to have it finished into a stocking :-) I had promised her I would have it finished by the end of summer but model pieces had come in and took up some of the time. I actually did a happy dance around the house and my boys thought I was nuts but then DS#2 said he wants a stocking. So we are going through patterns.
I am working on the LK Flip it Stamps now, I am on October and they are all on one piece of fabric. This should be done by the end of next week.
After cleaning this morning I sat and stitched. Watched Season 4 discs 3 and most of 4 of Gilmore Girls. Then tonight I watched Smallville, Grey's Anatomy and then Supernatural. I did manage to get in some reading time of Cold Blooded by Lisa Jackson.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
almost done

I did very well today on this and by the looks of this, if nothing comes up, it will be done tomorrow. I can't wait :-) I have my dancing shoes ready. I also have to put DHs name at the top of the stocking.
I have 2 Christmas ornaments to stitch up then for 2 exchanges and then onto LK Flip It Stamps.
I am watching season 4 of Gilmore Girls and am on disc 3. Tonight I watched Bones and DVRd The O.C. and then watched the mid season finale of Lost and now have to wait til Feb 7 for it to come back on :-(
I have decided to do the 50 project challenge that I saw some posted on their blogs. I made my list of 50 that need to be done until I can buy a chart. My goal is to either finish 50 or wait til Cross Stitch pals 10 year anniversary next October. Whichever comes first.
My dog is a woos

This is my big baby. He is 5 1/2 years old. I adopted him from a shelter when he was 1 1/2. he is a rottie /shepherd mix. Loves my cats and my kids. if company comes he thinks they are here to play with him LOL. Any ways yesterday he had his yearly checkup and shots. So as soon as he sees his leash he knows he is going bye bye. Loves car rides so he is all excited. We pull into the vets and another dog is getting out of a car. A little mini dachsund same color as Dreyx(my dog). They sniff each other and my dog wants to play but the other dog growls a little and barks. So Dreyx backs up a little. We all go into the vets office and they have me weigh Dreyx. he now weighs 99 lbs. Just a little more than the vet wanted but they don't say anyhting. Now is the fun part. They call us back to the examination room and we are walking and all of a sudden I get stopped in my tracks. My dog does not want into the examination room. he has his feet rooted firmly as can be, on linoleum. Fighting with all of his will. So we try to get him into another exam room, same results. We move onto the 3rd room, same thing. We try coaxing him with bones and sweet talk. it is not going to happen. Finally the vet pulls and I am pushing from behind and we get in the room. he is now hiding behind me LOL. He has never done this before so I don't know what his problem is. He gets his shots and since he is already cowered down I have the vet clip his nals, which he hates to have done. One thing I can say is he never growled or tried to bite. Just was a big woos LOL. Now I need to renew his dog license this week.
Anyways after all of that I did stitch quite a bit. Around 4 I got a migraine, from this rainy weather. makes my stomach off so i decide not to go to the women's church meeting. I lay n a dark room for awhile. Ibuprofen just takes the edge off. I decide to try stitching again and did manage to stitch some more.
Linda K asked what my next project will be and I need to finish the LK Flip It Stamps. They are all on one piece of fabric. I only have October, Nov and Dec to stitch on that. it is also a Christmas gift.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Another good day

I stitched on more of the deer today. I had hoped to finish this section but other things came up today. Tomorrow is ornament day but the rest of the week I will stitch on this and I am hoping it will be done by the end of the week.
Watched NASCAR, well most of it. Tony Stewart won the race. I never did catch the end of the Buffalo Bills game so I am not sure who won but I will find out soon. Last time I saw it they were ahead.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Productive Day!

Everyone was gone most of the day so I finished Season 3 of Gilmore Girls and stitched the day away. DH and DS#1 were at work. DS#2 had a friend over for a couple of hours and then went to DS#2's girlfriend's house. DH picked up DS#2 on the way home from work so at 10:00 they all walked in the door. The quiet was nice and no one to cook for. I made a huge pot of hamburger soup last night. So when DS#1 and Dh went to work they took some of that with them. DS#2 and his friend had some for lunch and I had some for lunch and for supper.
Friday, November 03, 2006
You are all invited
WHEN:Saturday, Nov. 11
Time: 9am-?
For a ornament, ect. finishing day or just bring your stitching along and stitch away. If you can make it great, email me for directions . I would love to see you.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Good Stitching Day

I had a pretty good day today. I finished the bottom left section of the stocking and stitched the white on the bottom right. Then I switched and stitched up the Autumn Bread Cover. I go to Curves 3 times a week and my instructor's ;ast day is tomorrow. She will be greatly missed so I stitched up the bread cover for her as a Thank You.
I am on disc 3 or 4 of Sesaon 2 of Glmore Girls. Plus I watched a disc of Tripping The Rift. It is a sci fi crude cartoon show. it is really funny. Then tonight I watched: Smallville, The O.C. , Supernatural and DVRd Grey's Anatomy.
DS#1 will be filling in at the gas station where DS#2 works and DH is the manager. Since DS#2 will be on crutches for a couple of more weeks and someone else quit the gast station, then DS#1 is going to fill in.
We got quite a snow flurry this afternoon and everything is covered. Yuck!
scissor fobs for sale
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
SBQ and updates

Today's SBQ was suggested by Lee ( is:
How did you decide on the title of your stitching blog? Was it random,or does it have a special meaning to you or about you?
Musings to me is posting about anything that comes to mind and what I am doing.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
productive day
I am home

I also finished Vermillion Stitchery ornament from the 2003 JCS ornament issue. Then yesterday I stitched on Imaginating, Inc. ornament from the 1999(?) JCS issue.
I had so much fun at the convention. The first couple of days there it was overcast and rainy but it was warm. I was so busy that I never set foot on the beach. I usually walk every morning, on the beach, but this year didn't. Next year is the 10 year anniversary and my whole family is going :-)
I am getting back into my routine at home and a little tired. I am watching season 2 of Gilmore Girls, on DVD. I am also stitching a model piece for Twisted Oaks designs. That is moving quickly for me.
I forgot 2 pics. Friday at the Pals reunion, someone paid for me to take the ornament class. I finished 2 ornaments there and didn't take pics. the class was taught by Mary of M Designs. She is a sweet lady as is her whole family. Thank you Mary for the wonderful class.
A BIG thank you to Amy for putting on this reunion as it is a lot of hard work and time.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Checking in
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I am in Cincinnati, Ohio
Friday, October 13, 2006
WIP pic and an exchange pic

This week I stitched on the stocking. I finished the backstitching on the left corner and started another section and then backstitched that. i am on another section now. This will be put away til I get back from Myrtle Beach. Yes, I am going to Myrtle Beach for the Cross Stitch Pals Reunion. I leave tonight and will be there on Tuesday.
I am taking my laptop so I am hoping to keep this updated a few times.
DS#2 is doing well with his leg. He did hurt it a little more but a different section. Just a small pulled muscle. he slipped and fell in the shower but is ok.
Today was our first snowfall, a very wet one and everything is covered and beautiful but way to early. There is no school as the town is without power. They are being told they might not get it back til Tuesday but I find that hard to believe. Tonight was our Homecoming dance and the boys each had a date. Now it looks like that won't happen either.