Heartfelt Award: I received this from
Suzanne, thank you so much!
So what is the Heartfelt Award about?
Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when your relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family and freinds? You know the feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea, or a hot toddy? That is what the Heartfelt Award is all about, feeling warm inside.
- Put the logo on your blog/post.
- Nominate up to to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
- Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
There are way to many blogs that I read that make me smile and laugh. So I am just passing this on to all of you who read an comment. You are all the best.

Friendship Award: I received this from
CindyMae , thank you so much!! I am supposed to pass this down to 8 friends but as I mentioned above , it is way to hard so I am passing it on to all of you.

I am still listening to Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs. I am about half done with it.

Tonights movie was He's Just Not That Into You. It was ok. A little slow and boring at times.

I put n 600 stitches , today, on HAED Aurora's Garden.
We never did get the rain or thunderstorms that we were supposed to but it ended up getting muggy and around 5 pm I had to turn on the a/c. Weatherbug says it is 65 out but it is still muggy.