Tuesday, April 06, 2010

more HAED progress

I accomplished a little bit on HAED SK Mermaid of the Deep. Yesterday I stitched on it while watching the 2 hours of 24. Then today while watching Monsters vs. Aliens (kids movie) and then Lost.
Yesterday I managed to workout with the Wii Fit plus. I could feel it when I was done. Tomorrow I think I will do the Sports Resorts. I have tomorrow off , for my day of the week to take off. I am hoping to finish the laundry and do some more cleaning. Plus organize more floss while watching some TV shows.


  1. I've been hearing such good things about the Wi Fit and the Wi Fit Plus. I need to get mine out and hook it up. We've never used it!

  2. The mermaid is looking awesome, Shelleen!

  3. Sports Resort is too much fun!

    Mermaid is looking good. :)
