Monday, December 26, 2005
Goals for 2006
half day on The storyteller
Mondays: half day on Christmas Ornaments/ half day on sports ornaments
Tuesdays:half day on Rocky mountain Christmas (UFO) / Half day on I Shall Wear Purple (SAL)
Wednesdays: half day on L&L Ice Angel (SAL) / half day on Snowy Forest evening Stocking
Thursdays: Half day on small Kits like Mill Hill / half day on JCS ornaments
Fridays: half day Joan Elliott Christmas Angel/ The other half will vary- BC snappers, A year Full of Happy, LK Stamps, freebies,
Saturdays: will vary- LK Holday Flip Its, LK Blocks, A Year Full of Happy, LK Stamps, Magazine mania(SAL)
READING GOALS: try to finish alot of my books on my one bookcase.
WEIGHT LOSS: lose 50 lbs, would like to lose 100 but will go for a smaller goal at first.
SCRAPBOOK GOALS: finish my wedding album and then finish the 2 boys albums.
Finishes for 2005
13 little Mill Hill kits
14 Debbie Mumm ornaments
September Flower bear
Waxing Moon Scaredy Cat
4 JCS ornaments
October Flower bear
Down Sunshine Lane-Hummingbird NR
November Flower Bear
LK Bloom Tuckaway pillow
Teresa Wentzler- The Castle
21 Sports ornaments
6 model pieces
Snowy Forest Evening Stocking
Sue Hillis- I Shall Wear Purple
Joan Elliott - Christmas Angel-The Cross stitcher magazine
TW- The Storyteller
Twas The Day After Christmas
The weekend was busy. Friday we spent with my inlaws and they do a grab bag with a twist. The first person picked grabs a bag and opens it, the next person can steal the gift or get a new one and this goes on and on til the last package is picked. But if you have stolen the same gift 3 times then it is yours to keep and no one can steal it. I won a bag of M&Ms and chocolate.
Saturday morning we went to my parent's house to open gifts with my sister and her DH. They gave me a little bag from The Body Shop that has a little oil burner and some fragranced oil :-)
Then we left my parent's house to go to an Uncle's house and we do a grab bag there. I won a new address book that you use markers on and they are erasable, so when people move you just change the addy :-)
Christmas morning I was real cranky as my "friend" decided to arrive and boy was I bloated and crampy. Was feeling better by the time my parents arrived. I received a Ford Mustang Tshirt with all kinds of Mustangs on it and The Oprah Winfrey 20 years Memorable DVD set. can't wait to watch that :-) My parents were shocked as we bought them a new Dell. They have never used a computer before.
They had brought their 6 month old puppy over and her and my dog played all day. they were hysterical to watch but they were very good.
This morning got up and went to Curves, had to work off what I ate over the weekend :-) Today plan on stitching.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
4 Days til Christmas
I did finish putting on the ornaments, on the tree. DS#1 and I put up the lights in the Bay Window. I still have window clings to put up. I haven't wrapped anything yet but the boys said they will do that for me.
I have been watching alot of movies that I DVRd plus got from Netflix, so that helps me while I am stitching.
yesterday I watched:
Touched(Lifetime Movie)
Crazy For Christmas (Lifetime Movie)
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (Netflix)
watched Deal or No Deal then started to watch The Day After Tomorrow but I got tired and went to bed.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Cold & Blustery
DH and I went to get our tree over the weekend and after several interruptions, one of which my FIL was sent to the hospital, we finally got it on Saturday night. My FIL has a clogged artery and is back home. he will have to see a specialist though. Prayers for him would be appreciated.
I haven't been driving as my thermostat went in the car and who wants to drive in a cold car when it is freezing out. Plus I don't drive in the snow so hasn't been a big deal.
I have signed up for quite a few SALs next year and want to wor on my current WIPs and UFO. So I had to redo my stitching schedule, now to live like a vampire and not need sleep or food LOL. I will post my stitching schedule the first of every month starting in January and then let you know if I did get any of the stitching in.
I finished another Baltimore Quilt Block model for twisted oaks Designs, Just you wait and see it next month or the end of this month, when it is published. it is my favorite piece so far but I can't post a pic. I am still working on the other model that i started a long time ago and I seem to be getting nowheres on it.
I am as ready for Christmas as I will be. I decorated the tree last night and then 10 minutes later it fell over. So with my little temper that i have I took off all the decorations and put them back in the boxes, while the kids are telling me to stop. Dh got up and nailed the tree stand to the floor. The lights are still on and i have no intention of redecorating it. It took me 2 hours away from my model piece the first time and I don't have much time left for this model piece. The kids can finish decorating it if they want.
Does anyone have room in their homes for me? DH and I bought new walls for the bathroom 3 MONTHS ago and I told him that it had to be done by Christmas, he hasn't even started it. I swear I will threaten to leave and go visit my stitching friends and maybe then he will get the idea to finish it while I am gone. He helps out everybody else when they call and need help, it is so frustrating.
Well I am sure I came out sounding buh humbug, guess this model piece is really getting to me.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Snowy Morning
After looking at all the SALs that I want to do on Becky's board, stitching sisters yahoo group and stitcherslosingit yahoo group, I had to make a schedule for next year and try to stick to it LOL. I will post monthly what my goals are, when January gets here.
I am hoping DH will take me to go christmas shopping this weekend. Him and I have a Christmas Party to go to tomorrow night, for the employees of his gas station job, he is manager. That is his part time job during the days. He works full time at night at another business.
I just looked behind me and the dog and 3 of the cats are sound asleep, one cat is walking around and the lady is sleeping in the other room. I will have to post pics sometime of the brood.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Stitching Time
I also joined Netflix and am impressed by how fast they are. I signed up Saturday and they mailed out the DVD on Monday, I received it Tuesday and watched it Tuesday night, The Aviator which I thought was good. I mailed it out Wednesday from my mailbox, which was picked up at 1pm. I got an email this morning at 8 am that they already received the video back. Now how fast is that? I am quite impressed.
Stitching Blogger's Question
I have done quite a bit of charity stitching. I have done quilt blocks for kids. Pillowcases for kids. Ornaments that got raffled for Make A Wish Foundation and The American Cancer Society. I also make sports ornaments every year for a local school and will continue to do so.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Snowy Day
Am listening to audiobooks while stitching. Will finish Ya Yas in Bloom by Rebecca Wells, am on the last tape. then I plan on listening to The Tea House on Mulberry Street by Sharon Owens. Never heard of her but the title sounds good.
Everyone ready for Christmas? I still have shopping to do and need to get the tree and decorate that as well.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Sunny & Snowy
I didn't get to take any pics of the sports ornaments. I ended up stitching 21 of them and was up til 11pm Friday night putting in the last stitch. I got up at 6 am Saturday morning to assemble them before my autn showed up at 8:30 but she ended up getting here at 8 and I was still assembling some of the ornaments so she had to wait for them and then she was in a hurry so I didn't get any pics, so sorry for that. But they do want more next year and I can take pics of them :-).
Last night DH wanted to do some shopping after he was hunting. DS#2 went with us and I did get my MILs gift shopping done, went to The Body Shop and got a couple of things there for my mom as well. I also bought a few candles from Yankee Candle as I need some more Christmas ones for the family room, So I bought Christmas Wreath votives and tea lights.
Today I plan on stitching on 2 model pieces and then DH will take me grocery shopping when he gets home.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Good afternoon
Today I will be finishing up the sports ornaments and will post a pic of them when I am done. Then back to the model piece I am doing. I have another model on the way by Twisted Oask designs.
DS#2 has been complaining that his comfoter is to short for him. He has a twin bed and he is a little taller than I am so I bought him a full size comforter and blanket today. Hoep he likes them. I also ordered him some flannel sheest off of QVC as I love the Northern Nights flannel sets. DS#1 has the warmest room in the house and he says no need for flannels or blankets LOL.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Stitching Blogger's Question
Yes I always stitch the same way. If an ornament then I work each color til it is done. But if it is a large piece then I divide it in quarters and start on the top right. If really big then when I start in the top right I will also section that off as well. I also use petite needles as you don't waste as much thread and I do have a special way of stitching paths to not waste thread.
I am listening to Ya Yas in Bloom by Rebecca Wells while stitching, will watch a movie after dinner and tonight is The O.C. and Reunion (which was cancelled) will see if it is on tonight.
I got out all of my Christmas candles that I ordered off of QVC and are made by Old Virginia Candle. I need a couple more and may go to the local candle lady who sells all kinds of brands. Just love her store.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Stitcher's Blogger exchange

I joined the Christmas ornament exchange and received this yesterday from Shaz ( Sharoola) and I just love it. It is finished as a flat fold and came out so great. Plus she made the Christmas card and there was a store bought ornament of a stuffed santa as well :-) Thank you so much!!
I am still stitching on the model piece and sports ornaments. I am listening to audiobooks while stitching and just finished The Summer I Dared by Barbara Delinsky. I will be starting Sleeping Beauty by Phillip Margolin.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Good Morning
Thanksgiving day went well and my dad looked good and seemed almost himself.
I am still stitching away on the model piece plus stitching on sports ornaments in the evenings. I have started to read Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz. I didn't get a chance to read The Resort and had to put it back into chain. If no one wants it then I will hold onto it for another time.
I did watch Anne Of Green Gables, Anee of Green Gables the Sequel, and Anne Of Green Gables The Continuing Story, all week while stitching. They were good :-) I took out 5 audiobooks from the library to listen to while stitching. With the snow falling it is that time of year when I stay holed up in the house unless DH is driving. I do NOT drive in any snow whatsoever LOL. Not even a dusting.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Blogger question of the week
No, I don't. I do if I give it away as a gift. I sign my intials and the year. I don't know why I don't. I did for a few years and then stopped. Just one of those things I guess :-)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Blustery Day
Tonight is Bones and then Supernatural. I will stitch on the sports ornaments while watching them.
No reading at the moment as I don't have the time. But after this model piece is done I will read quite a bit again.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Been MIA again
Thursday, November 10, 2005
been MIA
I want to say I am so sorry for Becky's loss on her pet. I know how much that dog meant to you and I know how hard it is.
I have been watching alot of TV and reading less.
I just finished reading Frankenstein by Dean Koontz and started Bitten by Kelley Armstrong.
Stitchers Bloggers question
I like to finish small projects to look like I am accomplishing something but when I finish a large project them I am ecstatic over the finish so I would say a large project is mor exciting to finish.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
some pics I promised
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Been MIA
Let's see since the last I posted I have bought a new camera. I still need to post pics with it. I also still need to post a pic of DS#1 when he was dressed in the demon costume. I am now working on 2 model pieces. One is almost done and the other one I have 2 months to finish. Plus I have to stitch up some sports ornaments for charity. They are quick and I can do one ina couple of hours so I will start them this weekend as well.
I also have gotten into Italian Charm bracelets, as some of the women in Myrtle Beach were wearing them. So I bought one bracelet and then yesterday bought 2 watches as they were on sale. I also love to make beaded scissor fobs so I had to buy some supplies for that and also some supplies to finish my wedding scrapbook album. Do you think I thought of it though while I was in Michaels LOL. Nope. so I still need to buy some wedding paper for that. I did get stickers though at Walmart. Well I have lots to do today. Grocery shopping and then stitch on the one model piece. I am doing some for Twisted Oaks Designs and she has Baltimore Quilt Squares for sale at LNS's and my name is ona couple of them as being the model stitcher, which is an awesome feeling :-)
Blogger Stitching Question of the week
Yes, I can if it is a color that I use alot of.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
My mom came over with her puppy and it was afraid of my dog LOL. I also received another model piece in the mail, from Twisted Oaks Designs. I have a bunch of sports ornaments to stitch up for my aunt. The money raised goes to a charity.I made 10 ornaments last year and they were sold in an hour so they would like more if possible. I said I will see what I can do :-)
So today I need to clean and stitch an ornament and then stitch on the model piece.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
playing around
We did go to Six Flags Fright Night and I had a great time!!! Went through a fake graveyard and went through a haunted house. Then saw a play of Dead Man's party which was awesome.
Today I bought a new camera and can't wait to play with that this week and get pics posted :-)
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Been busy
Thursday I stitched on a mitten from Mill Hill for my RR and it will be finished next Thursday. Yesterday I stitched on Christmas Angel by Joan Elliott and I just want to finish the white on that today before working on Saturday's rotation.
DS#1 had a Halloween party last night and went as Demon from the show Charmed. I did the makeup and will post a pic later.
Today we are going to Six Flags for Fright Fest as the weather will be nice.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Having a good stitching week

Yesterday I stitched for a couple of hours on Snowy Forest Evening stocking. Also was shopping for the day. Bought a new TV for the living room and a stereo for the family room. Watched 2 episodes of The Ghost Whisperer and now have 1 more to watch. During the evening I watched Veronica Mars and Invasion.
No plans for today except to watch The Ghost Whisperer, from last week and to stitch on a small Mill Hill kit.
I have stitched some things for someone and they displayed one item til they moved and then I didn't see it in the new house. I then stitched something else and they were going to have it framed but I didn't see it hanging the last time I was there. But I also know this person that she loved the items but just procrastinates LOL.
Good Morning
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Rainy and Gloomy

no sunshine at all. Good day to stay ina nd stitch don'tcha think? LOL
Yesterday I stitched up Birdhouse by Debbie Mumm. I have one more ornament to stitch out of this leaflet and then it will go to someone else. Now I have to decide what other leaflet to work out of :-)
Today would have been I Shall Wear Purple SAL day but since it is the 25th I will be stitching on a JCS ornament in honor of Christmas. I will be stitching a Vermillion ornament from the 2003 issue. Don't think I can get it all done today but will try :-)
Yesterday I got caught up on 7th Heaven and Medium , while stitching, But last night's 7th Heaven was a repeat :-(. I enjoyed Medium though. Today I need to watch Veronica Mars. I believe I have 2-3 episodes to watch, then I found the last O.C. that I forgot to watch so will have to watch that today as well. Tonight is Supernatural :-)
Also am getting a little bit of reading time in and am still reading Frankenstein by Dean Koontz .
Monday, October 24, 2005
Good Morning
I stitched on Rocky Mountain Christmas by Marty Bell all day Sunday. While watching a taped show of Joey and Will & Grace. Also NASCAR , Charmed and Desperate Housewives. I was able to stitch a whole 10x50 section and start on another 10x50 section.
I like how Carol does her rotations daily and I think i will feel like I can accomplish more this way so thank you Carol for inspiring me :-)
Today I am stitching on birdhouse bu Debbie Mumm which is an ornament. I already put in almost 2 hours on it this morning. Between watching Live with Regis and Kelly plus Tony Danza, washing laundry and doing all the scans on both computers and updating everything.
I am also trying to fit in some reading time and am reading Dean Koontz's Frankenstein.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Good Morning

Well we never made it to Six Flags because it poured all day and night. So I pulled out TW The Storyteller and stitched on that while I watched 2 episodes of Charmed and 2 episodes of Desperate Housewives. I am now caught up with those shows so I can watch the new ones tonight.
We will be going to church this morning and then I will stitch on Rocky Mountain Christmas while watching NASCAR and then Charmed and Desperate Housewives this evening.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Good Morning
I also would like to hang out at the library today and read mags but I also have 2 weeks worth of TV shows DVRd and taped. What is a girl to do? LOL
I finished reading The Pact by Jodi Picoult and all I can say is wow what an awesome book and I highly recommend it.
Still taking a break from stitching but am really itching to pick a needle up, especially while watching TV.
House was quiet last night. DH was working, DS#1 was babysitting til late and DS#2 went to a friend's house to spend the night. So I sat at the computer for awhile playing Roller Coaster tycoon 2 and then finished reading my book. Not sure what book I am reading next.
Have a great day everyone.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Good morning
Tomorrow we will go to Fright Fest at Six Flags Darien Lake. Can't wait :-)
DS#1 had his last soccer game last night and we won. We have won all the games in our division. The 3 games that we lost were against school not in our division. 2 of the games were against the same school. One at home and one at their school.
Well I am sleepy from my sinuses and medicine so will read a little then going to take anap so I can go grocery shopping later.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Todays thoughts
I have a doctor's appointment today to see how my ear is doing and also to discuss my elbow with him
DS#1 has his last soccer game, of the season, today after school. It is against the school I graduated from.
Today I will stitch on a small MH kit :-) I work on these on Thursdays. Will watch Joey and Will & Grace, that I taped last week so I can watch tonights episodes. I also tape Smallville and Everwood so will try to watch what I have taped as well. Well I should say some shows are taped and some are on DVR.
Stitcher's Bloggers Questions
I don't mark my patterns. I use a magnet board with the magnets to keep my place. I only make working copies if the chart is in a hardcover book or is a huge design and I copy by sections. I always throw them out when I am done.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
2 finishes
I am back!!!
Left Sunday morning for MB. Better weather and warmer. We got to the Sea Mist Resort and checked in but room wasn't ready yet so we went to K & W Cafeteria for lunch. Then DH wanted to go to the flea market up the road. DS#1 and I stayed in the truck while he did that.
Checked into our room, which was small but nice. The resort was full so I couldn't change to a bigger room.
Monday morning still wasn't feeling any better so I started the antibiotic. Went to the new mall as it was raining. That was a bad mistake since I wasn't feeling well. Had dinner at Crabby Mike's seafood buffet, mmmmm.
Tuesday more of the Pals came and met them for lunch. Had a good time. Had dinner at Nascar Cafe. Wednesday morning woke up to my ear being plugged up. More Pals came in and had a good time stitching. Went to Fudrucker's for dinner. Thursday was nice out and shopped and stitched. Friday was beautiful, shopped and stitched. Still not feeling better. Had pizza and wings with the Pals, for dinner. Then had our grab bag exchange. Which can get ugly :-) when we steal from each other. Had a great time. We also did the ornament exchange and since I took 10 with me then I received 10 back. Saturday morning DH took me to the ER about my ear. I have a middle ear infection so he put me on amoxicillon and Vicodin for pain. I haven't had any ear pain though. I am having troubles with my one elbow so I do take one at night for that. Went shopping some more LOL. Had lunch at The Liberty at Broadway At The Beach. Had dinner at T Bonz. Very good meals all week. Evening was games and local flavor exchange and stitcher's showcase, which I didn't do. Sunday morning left for home.
I bought 4 books all together at 2 Books A Million, we don't have those stores here. I bought:
Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison
Bitten- Kelley Armstrong
Bubbles Unbound- Sarah Strohmeyer
Candy Apple Dead- Sammi Carter
I was really good stash shopping, I did buy a nice bag, like a vera Bradley Bag. Has a wild animal print. A wolf chart, petite needles, 11 bookmarks and a yard of afghan material.
Got home Sunday night at 11:30, picked up my dog, from the kennel at 8:30am. He was very happy to see me and he chewed up his blanket and their towels. I was surprised as he is not a chewer. He has not left my side since then. Gets mad when I leave to go to town. The cats were happy to see us as well.
My elbow is getting worse and my ear is still plugged so calling my doctor today.
Justin had a soccer game last night but I didn't want to be out in the cool wind. We won.
I know this is probably alot of info but had to make up for all the time I was gone LOL.
I did start stitching an ornament in MB and finished it Monday, at home. I will post a pic later. I am also stitching up November Flower Bear and should be done today.
Friday, October 07, 2005
saying goodbye
My computer gets shut off in a few minutes and won'e be back on til I get back on the 17th. I will miss all of you {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Good Morning
I sewed up the ornament for the exchange that we have in Myrtle Beach.
I received a beautiful Halloween piece from Renee. it even has on the back to Shelleen from renee 2005. That was just perfect. I am a big HALLOWEEN fan.
I also have been playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 again. I stay up til late and seem to be on it instead of stitching and reading. But I take a break to clean and watch TV. Speaking of which, what do you all watch? I have picked up a few new shows which are great.
Nascar Fans congrats on Dale Jarrett's win on Sunday. He is a great driver and deserved the win.
As for those Buffalo Bills. Boo , Hiss, Hiss. Come on guys. Was your first game just luck?
Sunday, October 02, 2005
No stitching
I haven't read anything in awhile either. I did finish Midnight Flight by VC Andrews and it was really good. I have 2 Stephen King audios to listen to this week and maybe take on my trip next week.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Stitching Blogger's Question
I have always finished my UFOs but I do remember I did start stitching a halloween piece on a orange handkerchief and just did not like it so I quit and threw it out.
Yesterday I finished my Halloween exchange so today I need to do the finishing on it. Came out cute but I can't post a pic :-)
DS#1 had a soccer game last night and our team won 3-0. He has another game tonight against DHs Alma Mater but it is pouring so much that I doubt I will go plus DS#2 has some health issues and has an appointment this afternoon.
I didn't get in any reading time yesterday but I did play some games on the computer LOL.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Went Shopping
I go to Curves this morning and then a few of us will go out for breakfast afterwards. We do this the 4th Wednesday of every month.
DS#1 has a soccer game tonight so I will be going to that.
I am stitching on a Halloween exchange and I am hoping it will be done today. I am just trying to figure out how I will finish it.
I am still reading Midnight Flight by VC Andrews and didn't even pick it up to read yesterday. I need to finish it so I can listen to audio books.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Good Morning

I finished Bunny by Debbie Mumm. Then I started snowman by Debbie Mumm. Today i will stitch on I Shall Wear Purple by Sue Hillis. I think that is next in rotation.
DS#1 had a soccer game last night and our team won 3-0. They played against the school that I graduated from. This makes 8 wins and 1 loss for us, woohoo!!
I am reading Midnight Flight by VC Andrews and am enjoying it. This is a 2 part series. Then there is 1 series left for me to read but I am waiting for them all to be published before I start it. I did get a call from the library that the 2 audiobooks that I wanted, came in. Wolves of The Calls and Song For Susannah by Stephen King.
Everyone have a great day!!!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
SBQ of the week
I am still trying to figure out how to do the hem stitch for my NRs. It took me awhile for I believe the herringbone stitch and then once I got stitching more it was easier.
Good Morning
Got weighed and measured yesterday. Lost another 2 lbs , 2 1/2" , .9% Body fat and 3lb fat mass. That is a toal of 22 lbs, 19" and I think 9 lbs fat mass. I am excited about that!!
Stitching wise I started bunny ornament by Debbie Mumm, The Storyteller by Teresa Wentzler.
Reading Midnight Flight by V.C. Andrews and am almost done reading all of her books. I have the new series to read and that is it. Then some club reads to do and I have bookshelves that i need to read off of.
Everyone have a great weekend!!!!