I haven't been stitching much as Christmas was approaching. Christmas Eve, Scott , Justin, Dylan and I baked cookies and watched Christmas shows. We had a lot of fun. Justin had to work Christmas morning from 7-10 but his replacement did not show up til after 11. So the rest of us ate breakfast since we were hungry. Justin got home and then we unwrapped gifts. Scott and Dylan bought me a beautiful fairie figurine. Scott also bought me a GC for The Body Shop and Dylan got me a GC for Yankee Candle. Justin got me a GC for the Body Shop. Then we headed to my parent's house. My sister was there as well. We ate too much and I drank too much lol. My parent's bought me a beautiful silver necklace with diamonds. My sister bought me skull candy(headphones) that were on my wish list. Yesterday I went and spent my GCs and got 3 different fragrances at The Body Shop. Then at Yankee Candle I got a tart burner. I already had one but it for Halloween and I wanted one for everyday. Then onto the Calendar store. I bought a Fairie calendar and then a small one with cat naps, soo cute. I use this for monthly budgeting and paying bills.
Oh yeah we had high winds really bad on Christmas Eve and when I woke up Christmas morning I let the dog out and our shed had blown right down, nothing left to it. I have to take pics tomorrow and am hoping nothing was ruined that was inside. There are a couple of bikes, our riding lawn mower and our snow blower. So we have to remove the debris and take pics of what was ruined.
Today we celebrated Christmas with Scott's side. it was nice. I had made different cross stitch pieces for the family members. We each recieved money from Scott's parents. The other family members didn't exchange. I knew that but still wanted to give them something. So this week I want to got to Joanne's with my money and get the styrofoam burning tool that they have for the cubes. I also received a GC for walmart from my boss. I did use a little of that to buy new cookie sheets for Christmas Eve.
I finished listening to The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini and am getting ready to listen to Wicked by Philip Margolin. Then I have Twilight and New Moon on audio.
I am stitching Christmas Day Play by Lynn's Prints from the JCS 2003 issue. I stitched a litrle bit on that tonight while watching Nora Roberts' Montana Sky that was on Lifetime and I had on the DVR. Since my shows aren't on this week I am hoping to get the rest of the movies watched on the DVR. I have 9 movies left and 1 dog show from Thanksgiving. When I started 2 months ago clearing what was up on my DVR I only had about 10 hours left on the DVR and I now have around 78 hours left. A lot of my TV shows are being moved around and some coming back midseason so it will get used a lot again.
Well I need to get to bed. I just wanted to post and let you know we survived the snow storms and we had over a foot of snow but the last couple of days have been in the 50s and 60s so not a spot of snow is left and flooding has begun. Supposed to be cold all week and chances of snow again.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Looking for
any Halloween SAL blogs or Yahoo groups. I have searched but didn't find anything. Anyone know of any?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
weather pics and stitching
Today has been snowing and so windy that you can't see some times. Scott worked til 2 and then took me to the grocery store. The snow is still falling and parts of our road have high snow drifts. I hope that the plows keep them down so Justin can get home.
The rest of the evening will be laundry , stitching and listening to The Winding Way Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.
Today I am stitching a snowman ornament. I should be able to finish it as well.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snowy day
The day started clear and Scott took me to work since we knew the storm was coming. We got to work at 8:00 and him and Dylan took off for the Rez to get cigarettes. Schools had already closed all around us for the oncoming storm. Well I got a txt message that they didn't make it to the Rez. Within 30 minutes the roads were already dicey and they saw a car flipped over. My supervisor decided to close the lab so Scott picked me up. Got home and did a little straightening up. Got caught up on blog reading and started stitching The Storyteller with the Let's Stitch blog. I managed to finish stitching up one section with the backstitching and then stitched up another section. This is my Friday piece in rotation.
I also took pics of the storm but need to upload them onto my computer. My car is pretty buried out there. Justin actually came home around 7:30 from work and slid right into the yard.
General Hospital
A Dennis The Menace Christmas
Ghost Whisperer
and listened a little bit to the audiobook.

I also took pics of the storm but need to upload them onto my computer. My car is pretty buried out there. Justin actually came home around 7:30 from work and slid right into the yard.
General Hospital
A Dennis The Menace Christmas
Ghost Whisperer
and listened a little bit to the audiobook.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Night Before Christmas
I watched General Hospital, and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Oh and The Miser Brothers Christmas , which I didn't like. it has the characters from a Year Without a Santa Clause but if they had the same people doing this show they did a lousy job. Not only were the voices different but you would think they would use the same santa, Mrs. Clause and Mother Nature. Very cheesy graphics on this one.
Keeping an eye on the weather as we have a severe storm on the way in the morning. Scott already said that he would take me to work because it will get worse during the day. They are expecting 4-9 inches and will get 1-2 an hour for about 4 hours.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
UFO Christmas Angel
I am glad that i can fit my UFOs into quite a few SALs and will get them finished much quicker.
Please say a prayer for one of the women that I work with. her dad had bronchitis and it got worse, he now has pnemonia and heart failure. I know he is an elderly person and I believe also has diabetes. My coworker did not come into work today and don't know when she will be back. They are a very christian family and could use the prayers..
Tonight I watched the new Muppet's Christmas- Letters to Santa. it was really cute and then i watched Private Practice.
I also listened to The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday's Winter Queen
This is Mirabilia's Winter Queen and I started her a couple of years ago. I have decided to stitch on her on Tuesdays, when I can. Mirabilia is one of my favorite designers and I can't wait to get back to her.
We have a winter weather advisory until noon on Wednesday. 4-6" of snow and will get worse after midnight and traveling for work in the morning will be treacherous. It is 10:26 pm and my car is already getting covered.
Tonight I watched General Hospital and the ending of Legend. Not much else going on today. I wish I had gotten more stitching time in but it is better than nothing.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Rocky Mountain Christmas
I started listening to The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini and enjoying it like I have all her other books in the series.
Tonight I watched General Hospital and then I Want a Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
FAL pics and my WIP
These are what I had finished last weekend. The 4 on top are in acrylic picture frame magnets. I decorated them up. I have so many little frames but not enough little finishes. So far I used the ones in the middle. The Mill Hill ornaments are the ones that i had stitched up. I still have TONS of ornaments to finish up and will do a few every month.

The Night Before Christmas is a SAL with Needleworkers Haven BB and the design is by Little Old Me Designs owned by Michelle Harper. This is a huge piece and will work on it once a week.
I have decided to work on a different project every day of the week. I need to get a rotation going and I am in a few SALs and they will all fit in them. I am also trying to get back into blogging every day. Was stitching a lot lately instead.
I finished the audiobook Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen and am now listening to The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.
Tonight I watched a cute movie on abcFamily. it was Snow2 Brain Freeze and I liked it as well as the first movie just called Snow.
Yesterday we got our tree and today it is decorated. Now to put up the rest of the decorations around the house. Last night we went to a Christmas party that was put on by the owner of the gas station where Scott is manager. The owner also owns a company that delivers fuel and propane so we always get invited to that party. We had good food and chatting with others.
Tomorrow is Rocky Mountain Christmas day and it is my oldest UFO and around 1/2 done. My goal is to finish it in 2009.
I have decided to work on a different project every day of the week. I need to get a rotation going and I am in a few SALs and they will all fit in them. I am also trying to get back into blogging every day. Was stitching a lot lately instead.
I finished the audiobook Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen and am now listening to The Winding Ways Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.
Tonight I watched a cute movie on abcFamily. it was Snow2 Brain Freeze and I liked it as well as the first movie just called Snow.
Yesterday we got our tree and today it is decorated. Now to put up the rest of the decorations around the house. Last night we went to a Christmas party that was put on by the owner of the gas station where Scott is manager. The owner also owns a company that delivers fuel and propane so we always get invited to that party. We had good food and chatting with others.
Tomorrow is Rocky Mountain Christmas day and it is my oldest UFO and around 1/2 done. My goal is to finish it in 2009.
Monday, December 08, 2008
FAL weekend 12-5 through 12-7
anyone want to join me at my house or online? Pull out your sewing machines, fabric, styrofoam, fiber fill and everything else that you need and post pics on your blog on Sunday night through Monday night. I know you probably need a few gifts to finish.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
How is everyone?
I have been MIA! I have been stitching an ornament for an exchange so i couldn't share any pics. My FAL weekend didn't go as planned. I usually start on Friday night and end Sunday night. My sister came over Friday night and spent the night. Then Saturday didn't go as planned. I did get together a few things today and i will post pics tomorrow. I am just to tired tonight.
So did any of you get any finishing done?
So did any of you get any finishing done?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
I haven't had time to post for a few days. Thanksgiving was at my parent's house with all 4 of us plus Alex and my sister.
I ate to much of course but it was really good :-)
Friday I went to a mall with Justin and I got some shopping done and we went to the movies and saw Australia with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman. it is a 3 hour movie and was awesome!! We want to buy it when it comes out on DVD. We went out for dinner at the mall and we didn't get home til almost 9.
Saturday we had Thanksgiving with Scott's side. Everyone was there but one nephew who is in Iraq. My SIL's cat had 4 kittens and Scott said I could have 1 but I wanted both champagne colored kittens but he said no, only 1. Well guess what? I didn't even get 1. My 16 year old niece was almost in tears and really couldn't part with any of them and I already have 3 cats so I told her I wouldn't take one.
I came home and watched some TV and finished Star of Wonder by SamSarah Design out of the JCS 2001 issue. I want to finish it into a cube.
I ate to much of course but it was really good :-)
Friday I went to a mall with Justin and I got some shopping done and we went to the movies and saw Australia with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman. it is a 3 hour movie and was awesome!! We want to buy it when it comes out on DVD. We went out for dinner at the mall and we didn't get home til almost 9.
Saturday we had Thanksgiving with Scott's side. Everyone was there but one nephew who is in Iraq. My SIL's cat had 4 kittens and Scott said I could have 1 but I wanted both champagne colored kittens but he said no, only 1. Well guess what? I didn't even get 1. My 16 year old niece was almost in tears and really couldn't part with any of them and I already have 3 cats so I told her I wouldn't take one.
I came home and watched some TV and finished Star of Wonder by SamSarah Design out of the JCS 2001 issue. I want to finish it into a cube.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Star of Wonder - SanMan Originals
JCS 2001 ornament issue
I woke up to about 2 inches of snow on my car. So took a few minutes to get it warmed and uncovered.JCS 2001 ornament issue
Things have been weird at work. About 3 weeks ago a new microwave, that I thought I had left on for too many minutes had burnt a forage sample and turned everything black. Last week I went to empty the freezer on one shelf to make room for that days samples. Well nothing was frozen so we thought it was broken but it is now working. Today I was grinding and that room is so freezing that my fingers were numb and most of the sample that i ground I lost through the collection grate. Twice one of the women came in and was looking in the closet. I found out that a circuit breaker had turned off 2 microwaves while she was drying. She turned the breakers back on but it took out one of the microwaves. Also Monday the furnace was making weird noises. I have no idea what is going on but I hope Monday is much better.
I was driving home from work and Scott calls me that I will have to go home a different way as there is a car accident and we don't have power at home. Well I go to work that way but I don't go home that way so no problem. So it is light enough outside that I sit and stitch and listen to Blessings by Anna Quindlen. It is 4:30 and just to dark to stitch and all of a sudden the power comes on. Thank god.
So I come online and get everything done. I sit and watch TV with DH and we watch The Day After Tomorrow. When at 7:45 the power goes out again. Great , now I go around the house lighting candles. I am mad because I will miss my TV shows. But at 7:58 the power comes back on. Back to stitching and watching Bones and then Private Practice. Turn the news on at 10 and they are talking about the terrorist attack on India. I hope that the hundreds of injured will be ok.
everyone have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Tuesday
We were busy at work today and only 2 of us. I did finish listening to T is For Trespass by Sue Grafton and am now listening to Blessings by Anna Quindlen.
Snowy day
I started JCS 2001 SamSarah designs Star of Wonder. I watched general Hospital and then abc Family had 2 Christmas movies I watched: A Holiday To Remember and Unlikely Angel. Both were real good.
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is on tonight so I will watch that.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
a finish
I watched DVR shows again:
Nora Robert's Angel's Fall
Seventeen and Missing
I washed 2 loads of laundry. I had Justin wash the dishes as my hands have been real dry and cracking. I even went grocery shopping :-)
SAT Saturday
I watched DVR:
An Accidental Christmas - Lifetime movie
Holiday Switch - Lifetime movie
Demons From Her Past - Lifetime
The Holiday
Today Scott & Dylan are out hunting again so I will be doing QSW and stitching on Mill Hill kit.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
a little of this and that
I have been watching some of my TV shows:
General Hospital
Grey;s Anatomy
Ghost Whisperer
Looks like a lot of my shows are not coming back til January. I cann see my DVR being used a lot since I have quite a few movies on it to watch>
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I have been tagged

I forgot who tagged me but here it is:
The rules:
Find the 6th folder in your photos folder and then the 6th photo in it.
* Pray that you remember the details *
Post it on your blog
Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.
This is from the 6th folder but it is the only pic in the folder. it is Christmas Angel that i started a couple of years ago and is from a The Cross Stitcher magazine.
I know alot of bloggers have been tagged already so if you haven't been and would like to be then consider yourself tagged :-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
A finish and a WIP
The hunters were gone all day again on Sunday so I stitched away. I stitched this Mill Hill Gifts Galore kit for my Quick Stitch Weekend, with a couple of groups. Then moved onto...

My Quilt Sampler. This is section 1 of 4 and am moving right along.
This week I will be stitching on a snowman for an exchange so no pics.
While stitching Sunday I watched on the DVR:
Fallen - abc family miniseries
Mystery Woman: In the Shadows
McBride:Semper Fi
Watched Desperate housewives last night as well.
I also finished reading Cherry Cheesecake Murder by Joanne Fluke and will be starting Key Lime Pie Murder , next. While doing dishes and cleaning up I listened some more to T is for Trespass and the the batteries got real low in my MP3 player so I charged it.
My Quilt Sampler. This is section 1 of 4 and am moving right along.
While stitching Sunday I watched on the DVR:
Fallen - abc family miniseries
Mystery Woman: In the Shadows
McBride:Semper Fi
Watched Desperate housewives last night as well.
I also finished reading Cherry Cheesecake Murder by Joanne Fluke and will be starting Key Lime Pie Murder , next. While doing dishes and cleaning up I listened some more to T is for Trespass and the the batteries got real low in my MP3 player so I charged it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
new background
I found this new site for changing the background and her instructions are so easy! Please see my sidebar for her logo and check her out.
Stitchy Saturday
Scott & Dylan were out hunting all day so I did a SAT with OnlyOneEwe BB. This is my Quilt Sampler that is also my incentive piece on the same board. I don't know why the one block is blurry. Maybe I need to clean my scanner?
While stitching I had the TV on and was watching DVRd shows:
True Blood
General Hospital
Ghost Whisperer
Fallen - ABC Family movie
I did manage to do 2 loads of laundry and I think I will do even more today. So after reading blogs it will be DVR time again. Today I will stitch on a Mill Hill ornament and then back to this Quilt Sampler.

True Blood
General Hospital
Ghost Whisperer
Fallen - ABC Family movie
I did manage to do 2 loads of laundry and I think I will do even more today. So after reading blogs it will be DVR time again. Today I will stitch on a Mill Hill ornament and then back to this Quilt Sampler.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Quilt sampler progress
I wasn't sure how much cross stitching I would get done today but I did pretty well. I was so tired all day and lost energy halfway through the work day. I got home and started laundry, washed dishes and cleaned the bathroom with Dylan's help. I then fixed dinner which was stuffed clams and sauteed shrimp. Read emails, BBs and blogs. Then got to stitch
I worked on the Quilt sampler tonight while watching TV. I watched Bones and then yesterdays and todays episodes of General Hospital. This sampler is stitching up pretty quick even though I have a long ways to go.
Tomorrow when I get out of work I am taking Dylan to go get new sneakers and I need some new jeans and/or other pants. So not sure if I will be stitching.
I called my mom tonight and she said dad was doing well. Giving the nurses a hard time, which is so like him. I guess he won't have to go into a nursing home for rehab as they are sending a machine home that helps bend his knee. My dad has high blood pressure but today it was low so I believe my mom said they were giving him blood. They weren't to concerned about it I guess. Just please continue to keep him in your prayers, thank you so much.
Tomorrow when I get out of work I am taking Dylan to go get new sneakers and I need some new jeans and/or other pants. So not sure if I will be stitching.
I called my mom tonight and she said dad was doing well. Giving the nurses a hard time, which is so like him. I guess he won't have to go into a nursing home for rehab as they are sending a machine home that helps bend his knee. My dad has high blood pressure but today it was low so I believe my mom said they were giving him blood. They weren't to concerned about it I guess. Just please continue to keep him in your prayers, thank you so much.
I was tagged
from Carolynnc and so here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
Random Facts -
1. I was born at at the Marine Base Cherry Point in NC but was raised here in western NY
2. I played the clarinet for 8 years in school and a college wanted me but I wouldn't leave home because of a boyfriend, knowing what I know now boy was I stupid LOL
4. I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit
5. Autumn is my favorite season because I love the smells and colors
6. I am addicted to Sims2 PC game
I am not going to tag anyone since most of the bloggers I know have done this. if you haven;t done it and want to then you are tagged :-)
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
Random Facts -
1. I was born at at the Marine Base Cherry Point in NC but was raised here in western NY
2. I played the clarinet for 8 years in school and a college wanted me but I wouldn't leave home because of a boyfriend, knowing what I know now boy was I stupid LOL
4. I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit
5. Autumn is my favorite season because I love the smells and colors
6. I am addicted to Sims2 PC game
I am not going to tag anyone since most of the bloggers I know have done this. if you haven;t done it and want to then you are tagged :-)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank you all
for the prayers for my dad. Everything went well and I am really tired so I am going to bed. I just wanted to say that you are all such wonderful friends with the prayers and posting comments. I appreciate all of you.
please say a prayer
My dad had a knee replacement surgery a year ago and had a lot of problems and a horrible infection. So this past spring they took the knee replacement back out. Talk about horrible doctors and not listening to patients. His leg was double the size it should be and beet red and very hot. But the doctors kept telling him, no infection. DUH! We are not doctors and could tell it was infected. Well when they took the replacement back out they could not believe that it was so infected. Morons!!! Anyways he goes back today to have the replacement done again. I also hope that he follows all orders this time as he didn't always follow orders last time , which may have caused some of his problem but still the doctors should have known that it was infected. So I took the day off to sit with my mom at the hospital. Last year I was in Myrtle Beach when he had the operation and my sister's job wouldn't let her have the day off since they said it wasn't major surgery, stupid people, any surgery is major. She started a new job about a month ago so she didn't ask to take today off so at least I could sit with my mom this time.
Monday, November 10, 2008
a little of this and a little of that
I had a busy day at work. Came home and found this great package in the mail. Thank you so much Ellen for the Christmas Ornament exchange, I love it. This exchange was for the HOE Christmas ornament exchange . The fabric is called Boo, how perfect for me.

Then I did dishes and cleaned the living room. read emails and BBs. Then sat and stitched on Quilt sampler. Got a little bit done on it while watching TV. I watched General Hospital and then a movie I had DVRd called Troubled Waters on Lifetime. The only problem that I have recording these movies is it cuts off the last couple of minutes of the movies and I always give it 3 extra minutes to record.
Then I did dishes and cleaned the living room. read emails and BBs. Then sat and stitched on Quilt sampler. Got a little bit done on it while watching TV. I watched General Hospital and then a movie I had DVRd called Troubled Waters on Lifetime. The only problem that I have recording these movies is it cuts off the last couple of minutes of the movies and I always give it 3 extra minutes to record.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
FAL weekend
It is FAL(Finish a long) weekend again. Anyone want to join me in person or online? I have a few Autumn and Thanksgiving pieces to sew up and I will add in a couple of Christmas ornaments.
My FAL pieces and a WIP
So how did you all do this weekend? I only got set up today so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. KarenNY joined me at my house. This is what i finished. I am missing a Christmas cube that I forgot to put in the pic and an ornament for an exchange.
Karen and I had homemade soup and bread and she brought over dessert that no one got to and most importantly a bottle of wine. I opened it and it has a cork. Do you think I could find my corkscrew, nooo. I had to ask my 16 year old son lol and he had one on his pocket knife. he got it open for us. Smart boy.
Can't wait for next month's FAL! anyone want to join? :-)

I also stitched on this piece for my Saturday SAT with the Only One Ewe BB This is a Quilt sampler from a Cross Country Stitching magazine.
Karen and I had homemade soup and bread and she brought over dessert that no one got to and most importantly a bottle of wine. I opened it and it has a cork. Do you think I could find my corkscrew, nooo. I had to ask my 16 year old son lol and he had one on his pocket knife. he got it open for us. Smart boy.
Can't wait for next month's FAL! anyone want to join? :-)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
an ornament finished
I was still sick when I woke up Friday morning so I called in sick. Scott came home with crackers and peppermint tea and I was feeling a lot better around noon.
So I stitched and finished listening to Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich, which was awesome. I tried to watch Gossip Girl as Alex(Justin's boyfriend) had the first season on DVD. I don't care for it.
Last night was the SAT with the Let's Stitch blog. and I finished this ornament. It is Chessie & Me - Chessie & Friends out of the 2001 JCS ornament issue.
I watched General Hospital and Ghost Whisperer. Does anyone else watch Ghost Whisperer? OMG it was so good and could have been a season finale. I can not believe that they killed him off. I did read an interview by him, yesterday. He did hint that he would be killed in last nights episode and will be on for a little bit more.
Well today is part of the FAL weekend and I still need to pull out my fabrics and ribbon. Might have to run to the store real quick this morning for Fall ribbon and/or fabric.
So I stitched and finished listening to Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich, which was awesome. I tried to watch Gossip Girl as Alex(Justin's boyfriend) had the first season on DVD. I don't care for it.
I watched General Hospital and Ghost Whisperer. Does anyone else watch Ghost Whisperer? OMG it was so good and could have been a season finale. I can not believe that they killed him off. I did read an interview by him, yesterday. He did hint that he would be killed in last nights episode and will be on for a little bit more.
Well today is part of the FAL weekend and I still need to pull out my fabrics and ribbon. Might have to run to the store real quick this morning for Fall ribbon and/or fabric.
Friday, November 07, 2008
A finish and a WIP
I was home sick from work yesterday and today. I have been sleeping and then when I wake up I watch TV and stitch. I finished Glory Bee BYOB woohoo!! I just have no idea how I want to finish it though. I watched True Blood, General Hospital, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, and Supernatural.
I also started listening to Janet Evanovich's Fearless Fourteen. Love it!!!
After I finished BYOB then I picked up Chessie & Me ornament from the JCS 2001 issue. I am hoping to finish it tonight. With the Let's Stitch SAT (Stitch A Thon)
I also started listening to Janet Evanovich's Fearless Fourteen. Love it!!!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
BYOB progress
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I voted and I had a first time voter
with me. My son, Justin is 18 and was very much into the politics this year. He came home from college so he could go and vote with me. Scott works 3rd shift so he had voted in the morning.
I stitched on BYOB today but no pic but I did get done "Bring Your Own " and then started the other B.
I watched today's epsiode of General Hospital and Friday's episode of Ghost Whisperer, tonight's episode of 90210. Also have had ABC on for the election.
Well it is almost 11pm and I am really tired.
I stitched on BYOB today but no pic but I did get done "Bring Your Own " and then started the other B.
I watched today's epsiode of General Hospital and Friday's episode of Ghost Whisperer, tonight's episode of 90210. Also have had ABC on for the election.
Well it is almost 11pm and I am really tired.
Monday, November 03, 2008
BYOB progress
I worked on BYOB most of the evening and got quite a bit done.
I had a busy day at work today. Came home and caught up online. Then stitched and watched Thursday's , Friday's and today's episodes of General Hospital. I am hoping to get quite a bit more done on this tomorrow.
I received a great package from Michele since I wasn't in MB. I didn't take pics yet but I want to send her a big THANK YOU!
Thanks to all of you who read my blog and/or post comments.
I had a busy day at work today. Came home and caught up online. Then stitched and watched Thursday's , Friday's and today's episodes of General Hospital. I am hoping to get quite a bit more done on this tomorrow.
I received a great package from Michele since I wasn't in MB. I didn't take pics yet but I want to send her a big THANK YOU!
Thanks to all of you who read my blog and/or post comments.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
November/October Goals
November Goals:
finish Glory Bee - BYOB
Finish JCS 2001 Chessie & me ornament
a section of TW The Storyteller
Little River - On Harvest Moon
work on Love, Peace Quilt Sampler
4 Mill Hill kits
RR Square
Cherry Cheesecake Murder - Joanne Fluke
Skinny Dip - Carl Hiaasen
Blessings - Anna Quindlen
Key Lime Pie - Joanne Fluke
watch 6
October Goals:
Ruth's RR - finished
Chris's RR - finished
Christmas Ornament - Make a wish Board - finished
Christmas Ornament - HOE -finished
Finish Glory Bee - BYOB -
Finish JCS 2001 Chessie & Me - Chessie & friend-
TW The Storyteller - 1 section - did
Kitty Takes a Holiday - Carrie Vaughn- finished
Joanne Fluke - Key Lime Pie - no
The Winding Ways Quilt - Jennifer Chiaverini- no
Deja Vu - watched
December boys - didn't finish
Made of Honor - watched
6 other movies - watched 6
finish Glory Bee - BYOB
Finish JCS 2001 Chessie & me ornament
a section of TW The Storyteller
Little River - On Harvest Moon
work on Love, Peace Quilt Sampler
4 Mill Hill kits
RR Square
Cherry Cheesecake Murder - Joanne Fluke
Skinny Dip - Carl Hiaasen
Blessings - Anna Quindlen
Key Lime Pie - Joanne Fluke
watch 6
October Goals:
Ruth's RR - finished
Chris's RR - finished
Christmas Ornament - Make a wish Board - finished
Christmas Ornament - HOE -finished
Finish Glory Bee - BYOB -
Finish JCS 2001 Chessie & Me - Chessie & friend-
TW The Storyteller - 1 section - did
Kitty Takes a Holiday - Carrie Vaughn- finished
Joanne Fluke - Key Lime Pie - no
The Winding Ways Quilt - Jennifer Chiaverini- no
Deja Vu - watched
December boys - didn't finish
Made of Honor - watched
6 other movies - watched 6
I still have not received an email from you for the fob that I gaveaway before. I don't know what our email issues are. I have 2 emails you can send to.
Fob Giveaway winner
I had Scott draw a name and the winner is Karen. I already have your address so I will get this mailed out to you. Congrats.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A giveaway
BYOB Progress
Had a little bit of a busy day at work. Came home and caught up with everything online and then downloaded 2 audiobooks onto my MP3 player. They were:
Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen
Blessings by Anna Quindlen
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
At last a finish

I stitched as much as I could last night while watching General Hospital and True Blood, Then tonight I watched general Hospital, House, and 90210. I also watched a DVR show of 20/20 that had the interview with Steve Irwin's wife a few weeks after his death. My family was a big fan of his and I miss his show. I couldn't watch the interview right away as it would have been real painful then. But I watched it tonight and am glad that I waited.
Tomorrow I will stitching on Glory Bee's BYOB.
To whoever mentioned to me to take 2 Aleve twice a day and to up my Vitamin C, because of my elbow. Thank you. The ibuprofen wasn't touching it but I started taking the Aleves on saturday and today was my fist day without any pain at all.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
LK Autumn Boxer
So while stitching this weekend I took breaks and Saturday I made homemade bread a beef vegetable soup. Today I made another loaf of homemade bread, since the family loves it and ate it all. I made a chicken and potato soup as well.
I did get in quite a bit of movies. On DVD I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which was good.
Relative Chaos - Family channel movie
The Mermaid Chair - Lifetime movie
Her Sister's Keeper - Lifetime movie
The Patriot- movie channel
Tonight I watched Extreme Home Makeover and then Desperate Housewives.
Yesterday it rained all day and then around 3 this afternoon the winds picked up and it has been raining since. Plus thunderstorms in the distance. Supposed to be cold and rain mixed with snow for the next couple of days.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
TW The Storyteller
I watched General Hospital, Ghost Whisperer , some of a Harry Potter movie and then whatever Scott had on.
Today and tomorrow I am stitching on LK Autumn Boxer. It is for 3 groups that I can do it with.
One One Ewe board , Cross Stitch Pals Delights board and Cross Stitch Forever Yahoo group.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ok, who sent the frog?
I had the frog visit but some of it was my own fault. The green called for GAST Baby Spinach. Well I went through all my GAST and I did not have it so I went and pulled out the conversion chart as my chart said to use 305, which I don't have. Well I found a similar color and had most of the green stitched , when lo and behold. Now don't laugh at me, but I had bought the floss for this project and there it sat next to me, DUH!! So the frog was here and I replaced the green DMC with the GAST Baby Spinach. I felt real stupid.
While stitching I watched general Hospital, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, and Supernatural. If anyone watches Supernatural and you didn't watch tonight's episode yet please watch through the end of the credits. The actor that plays Dean is hysterical in the very end.
My elbow had been giving me trouble today but as long as I have it resting on cushions while stitching, then it is fine to stitch with.
My sinuses are a little better as well and my headache is gone. I keep taking 4 ibuprofen and sudafed, per doctors orders every year. I also added an extra dose of Vitamin C a day.
Tomorrow night is Fantasy and SAT so I will be pulling out TW The Storyteller. Then saturday is have a SAT and a Quick Stitch weekend plus a season SAL so I am doing all of it with one piece called Lizzie Kate Autumn Boxer. Love how I can stitch with all of my groups and use one project to cover them all :-)
Thanks for reading and leaving comments, they mean alot :-)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I finished the ornament for HOE and decided to try to finish Glory Bee's BYOB. I started it over a month ago and got quite a bit accomplished tonight. I will work on it again tomorrow night.
While stitching I watched some TV. I watched Sunday's True Blood, still not sure if I like the show. General Hospital, The Transformers movie and Private Practice.
Susancnw, thank you so much for the advice. I have been taking ibuprofen and I am not sure if I have Aleve in the house but I will get some tomorrow. I also take Vitamin C already for some other issues I have. Although I was only taking 1 a day so I will try 2 a day now. Plus I take Iron :-) I rested my arm on a cushion tonight and that helped a lot. What you described is what has been happening. Although the numbness is new to me. That started yesterday. I have had this on and off for years but it never acts up when I make the doctors appointment.
Barb, I still need your address for the fob. Sorry if we are having email issues.
Thank you all who visit my blog and leave comments. it means a lot to me and I do read them all.
A little stitching
I have had a problem with my elbow so I took 2 days off from stitching. But it hasn't been any better so I am picking up the needle again. I need to finish the ornament for the HOE.
I came home early today, from work, because of a migraine that was making me sick. It was sinuses and nothing that I took was helping. I got home and laid on the couch with my quilt over my head. Well the warmth under that quilt had helped so much. I still have a small headache but it is bearable. So I am drinking hot tea and putting my face over the cup for the steam and will stitch away. I wanted to go to Curves today but I don't think any of that moving around will be good on this head so I will go Saturday morning.
Last night I watched House and tonight is Private Practice. What are you all watching?
I came home early today, from work, because of a migraine that was making me sick. It was sinuses and nothing that I took was helping. I got home and laid on the couch with my quilt over my head. Well the warmth under that quilt had helped so much. I still have a small headache but it is bearable. So I am drinking hot tea and putting my face over the cup for the steam and will stitch away. I wanted to go to Curves today but I don't think any of that moving around will be good on this head so I will go Saturday morning.
Last night I watched House and tonight is Private Practice. What are you all watching?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
a quick Finish
I haven'st stitched since Saturday because my elbow is bothering me. I get like this a couple of times a year so I took a break from stitching and housework. I do plan on stitching tonight as I really want to finish an ornament for an exchange. I have been working on so many exchanges and a couple of RRs that my other projects have been neglected. I hope to remedy that this week.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tw The Storyteller
Last night was a SAT (stitchathon) with the Let's Stitch group. So I pulled out TW The Storyteller and also used it for my weekly fantasy stitch with the Stitch a Fantasy group. I watched quite a bit of TV. General Hospital, True Blood, Ghost Whisperer and then a movie, August Rush, which I love!
Today is a SAT with another group and will stitch 1 or 2 Mill Hill kits since it is also Quick Stitch weekend with another group.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Good evening
Work wasn't real busy today. I did have to stay late as my supervisor had to leave early.
I called Amy at the Cross Stitch Fling and said hi to the girls. I sure do miss them this year. Got a little teary eyed. Scott said we will go next year so no more buying stash as I have to save for the trip. Besides I have enough to keep me busy.
Tonight I finished an ornament for the Make a Wish Board and started another ornament for the HOE blog.
I watched 1/2 of General Hospital. Then I watched Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, and Supernatural. All good shows tonight.
Going to bed now.
Thanks to all of you that read my blog and leave comments. It always makes my day :-)
I called Amy at the Cross Stitch Fling and said hi to the girls. I sure do miss them this year. Got a little teary eyed. Scott said we will go next year so no more buying stash as I have to save for the trip. Besides I have enough to keep me busy.
Tonight I finished an ornament for the Make a Wish Board and started another ornament for the HOE blog.
I watched 1/2 of General Hospital. Then I watched Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, and Supernatural. All good shows tonight.
Going to bed now.
Thanks to all of you that read my blog and leave comments. It always makes my day :-)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
good evening
Had a busy day at work today. Not much going on here. I did catch up with things online. I have about 1 more hour left on the Christmas ornament that I have been stitching. I watched Deja Vu, with Denzel washington , which was a really good movie!! The debates are on now. I don't know about the rest of you but I am sick of everything and still don't know who I want to vote for. I usually know from the beginning but with all this bashing it has gotten quite childish.
This week is the Cross Stitch Pals Fling and I am missing it :-(. Just couldn't afford it this year and I hope they all travel safe and have a great time!! If you have never been there then you have no idea how much fun it is and you walk away with some great friends.
This week is the Cross Stitch Pals Fling and I am missing it :-(. Just couldn't afford it this year and I hope they all travel safe and have a great time!! If you have never been there then you have no idea how much fun it is and you walk away with some great friends.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Productive Day
it was dead at work so I left a little early. Picked up Dylan from drivers Ed. Came home and washed dishes and did some laundry. I finished reading 2 books and cross stitch on the Christmas ornament for the Wish. Watched some TV as well
Books Read:
Kitty Takes a Holiday - Carrie Vaughn
Lamb to the Slaughter - Roald Dahl, short stories in a small book
Monday's and today's General Hospital
Barb, I am still not receiving your emails so could you please try my other addy tolan2@juno.com
Carolyn, go to Bookcrossing to see if they have groups in your area. I found mine through a Yahoo group.
Chris, my mom bought the Fearless Fourteen and she just finished reading it so I have it now. We swap books all the time and she now goes to my bookcross meetings :-)
Yvonne, I LOVE the Plum series. make me laugh out loud lol.
My next book to read:
Cherry Cheesecake Murder by Joanne Fluke
Books Read:
Kitty Takes a Holiday - Carrie Vaughn
Lamb to the Slaughter - Roald Dahl, short stories in a small book
Monday's and today's General Hospital
Barb, I am still not receiving your emails so could you please try my other addy tolan2@juno.com
Carolyn, go to Bookcrossing to see if they have groups in your area. I found mine through a Yahoo group.
Chris, my mom bought the Fearless Fourteen and she just finished reading it so I have it now. We swap books all the time and she now goes to my bookcross meetings :-)
Yvonne, I LOVE the Plum series. make me laugh out loud lol.
My next book to read:
Cherry Cheesecake Murder by Joanne Fluke
Monday, October 13, 2008
Busy day
got up for work, met DH at Java for coffee. Went to work and had to leave early so I could take Dylan to his eye appointment. he had to have new glasses, they will be in 7-10 days. Then we headed to Walmart. I needed to buy a new litter box and a new keyboard for my PC. This one is a lot smaller than my last one and the keys are a little smaller. Then I headed to Panera bread for my monthly Bookcross meeting . My mom handed me her book, Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich. I love these books. Left there and took Dylan's girlfriend home, since she had gone with us. Came home and catching up on everything. Oh , I did read today. At the Eye appointment and I was early at Panera Bread. I think I have about 5 pages left in Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn.
Hopefully tomorrow I will get in some stitching time. I need to finish the one Christmas ornament and then start another one
Hopefully tomorrow I will get in some stitching time. I need to finish the one Christmas ornament and then start another one
Sunday, October 12, 2008
progressive weekend
I don't have any pics to share as I finished a RR and am now stitching up an ornament for a Make a Wish BB.
I did watch quite a bit of TV while stitching this weekend. 4 days of general Hospital, 2 Smallvilles and 2 Supernaturals, Ghost Whisperer, True Blood, and Desperate Housewives.
I am still reading Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn. I love this series.
I did watch quite a bit of TV while stitching this weekend. 4 days of general Hospital, 2 Smallvilles and 2 Supernaturals, Ghost Whisperer, True Blood, and Desperate Housewives.
I am still reading Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn. I love this series.
Winner is.....
for the pumpkin fob, my son had helped pick the name, and it is......
Barb of my stitchingtreasures please email me needeler@gmail.com with winner of fob in the subject line, and include your address.. Congrats!!
Barb of my stitchingtreasures please email me needeler@gmail.com with winner of fob in the subject line, and include your address.. Congrats!!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
a wish pic and Dylan

Dylan wanted to chop his hair so he had it done 2 weeks ago and his natural color is back. This is his new girlfriend and her name is Shelbi. She says she takes bad pictures and I had to force her to get her picture taken. She is very pretty and a very sweet girl.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Thank you
to everyone that has been reading and commenting. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who goes through things.
Today was busy at work. When I left the house I stopped for my morning coffee. I am not a big coffee drinker but our local Java has the best kind of coffee. Plus Scott works 3rd shift and I work days. he is justing coming through time when I am leaving for work so we meet every morning for 20-30 minutes and sit and have coffee and sometimes breakfast. Well this morning I got my cup and filled it. I was putting the lid on and spilled the whole cup on the counter. I felt like an idiot but Scott and Chris, who was working laughed it off and helped clean it up. The rest of the day went much better.
I have been reading Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn and am about 3/4 of the way through it. It is pretty good. I liked the first 2 in this series.
Tonight I stitched on Chris's RR while watching Bones and then Private Practice.
Today was busy at work. When I left the house I stopped for my morning coffee. I am not a big coffee drinker but our local Java has the best kind of coffee. Plus Scott works 3rd shift and I work days. he is justing coming through time when I am leaving for work so we meet every morning for 20-30 minutes and sit and have coffee and sometimes breakfast. Well this morning I got my cup and filled it. I was putting the lid on and spilled the whole cup on the counter. I felt like an idiot but Scott and Chris, who was working laughed it off and helped clean it up. The rest of the day went much better.
I have been reading Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn and am about 3/4 of the way through it. It is pretty good. I liked the first 2 in this series.
Tonight I stitched on Chris's RR while watching Bones and then Private Practice.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Have you ever
wondered what happened to friends? They just stop talking or disappear from your life. I had a very close online friend for years and she is active online but no longer talks to me. I have no idea why, we never had a fight or argument. I email her and never get a reply back. I even have a new email account because she would never get my emails from my old account and still nothing.We used to talk on the phone once in a while and then I stopped calling because she was always busy. I miss my friend but I guess life goes on and new friendships form. I was in her life for a reason at that time. anyone else ever feel like this?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Stitching & reading
I had a busy day at work today. Picked Dylan up from Driver's Ed and then took him to paint the garage/barn that he has been doing. Came home to read emails, BBs and blogs.
Sat down and started Kitty takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn. I like it already and did enjoy the first 2 books of this series.
Then I sat and stitched on a RR and finished it while watching General hospital and True Blood.
I want to thank all of you who have read my blog and left comments. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
My next finishing weekend will be November 15th and 16th. I wanted to do the 1st but Scott's birthday is October 31st and not sure if we are celebrating then or on the 1st. I have a book meeting on November 8th so that makes the 15th & 16th available. Anyone want to join in online or at my house? I will call these weekends FALs. Which was Ruth's idea :-)
Sat down and started Kitty takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn. I like it already and did enjoy the first 2 books of this series.
Then I sat and stitched on a RR and finished it while watching General hospital and True Blood.
I want to thank all of you who have read my blog and left comments. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
My next finishing weekend will be November 15th and 16th. I wanted to do the 1st but Scott's birthday is October 31st and not sure if we are celebrating then or on the 1st. I have a book meeting on November 8th so that makes the 15th & 16th available. Anyone want to join in online or at my house? I will call these weekends FALs. Which was Ruth's idea :-)
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Finishing is done
I managed to get all of my Halloween and October finishes done by 6pm Saturday night. Here is a pic of everything. There is about 13 finishes.

The haunted house done on the back fabric I finished into a cube. and used the fabric that I received in a Halloween exchange and the ribbon was some that was leftover from last year. The banner is made out of Mill Hill kits that was my RR a few years ago. I had them stitched on this fabric instead of the perforated paper.
The pillow on the right was actually an idea I got from a craft mag. I sewed the Halloween design onto the front piece of fabric. Then I cut the same fabric for the back and I had a pillow form so instead of sewing the pieces together, I laid the front piece on front and the back piece on the back and then took ribbon and just tied the corners together and there you go. The only sewing I did was making edges neat and the cross stitch piece to the fabric front. In front of it is a spring MH weathervane that I had stitched for an online friend , about a year ago. So that is now done and I will send it to her.
This little Pumpkin fob was stitched from a class that I took, in MB, last year with M Designs. I already have quite a few pumpkin and halloween fobs so I will be giving this away to a blog reader. All you have to do to get entered to win is to leave a post here between today and this Thursday, October 9 by 10 pm est. I will then draw a name and will send it out to you.
I have decided to have a finishing weekend every month and hope you will join in. Either online or at my house. I will post dates this week.
A big thank you to Ruth for giving me this idea.
I have decided to have a finishing weekend every month and hope you will join in. Either online or at my house. I will post dates this week.
A big thank you to Ruth for giving me this idea.
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